Chapter 2- 'He was our personal Tosh.0'

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(A/N) Picture of Luna to the side.

I love the video to the side! It reminds me of Scarlet and Luna's friendship (or at least the way I see them) but hopefully I will be able to explain their friendship with in the story.

Side note: I want to have you get the idea of what I think of the characters and I can't fit all the pictures on one chapter so here's a little guide. On chapter one, a pic of Scarlet. Chapter 2, Luna. Chapter 3, Andy Chapter 4, Alex. Chapter 5, Jake.

Thanks for reading! I appreciate it so much more than you will ever know!


After seven grueling hours of school, I jumped in my car and started driving. It wasn't a long distance away from school which was nice considering the price of gas was going through the roof. I worked at the movie theater in town with five other co-workers. One of those was my best friend Luna.

I don't even know how to explain Luna. Imagine Walter O'Brien genius mixed with Melissa Mccarthy's humor and then throw in Tyra Bank's figure and her fashion style. That's Luna. That's probably the best way to describe that weirdo.

The movie theater was old. I think it has been here since the '50's. I bet this theater had it's glory days, but those days were long gone. On top of the entrance of the theater was a round metal sign that said 'movies' and it was so rusty that that a few of the letters were no longer there. The walls were decorated with spray tags or 'vandilism' as my boss called it. Luna and I called it art.

We paid one of the most artistically talented guy at school to spray paint a cat with a birthday hat while riding in a Radio Flyer cart. Let me tell you, that is the best piece of art I have ever witnessed. While I came up with the idea of a cat, Luna had other things on her mind when she paid him to do it. Maybe she was high at the time but I have no complaints on the final outcome.

I was also surprised that my boss didn't figure out it was us.

Since we were a relatively small town, our boss didn't care what we did with our uniforms. The boundary lines were that we had to wear a red shirt and a red baseball cap. That was it. he gave us so much freedom I'm surprised that Jessie didn't sew on a patch that matched his crotch. Jessie was another employee that I worked with and he was obsessed with dick jokes, sexual jokes, and just dirty jokes in general.

He was our personal Tosh.0.

After changing into my uniform, I walked out into the open foyer to find Luna talking to Andy, scooping handfuls of freshly popped popcorn into their mouths. We had about half an hour before we would open for the night and eating a good portion of the popcorn and candy was our ritual. Our boss didn't really give a shit about what we did so he stayed in his office most of the time. He only came out to go to the bathroom or to grab a bag of popcorn for himself. We always gave him shit about not paying and his reply always was," I'm the boss. I do what I want."

Only if he knew how much we stole from the theatre.

As I got closer to the pair, I overheard Andy talking to Luna about sneaking into The Fault in Our Stars this afternoon. She laughed, a few pieces of popcorn falling our of her mouth. She covered her mouth quickly after she saw the golden puffs drop to the ground. They both laughed harder and I was just hoping that I wouldn't have to give one of them the Heimlich because popcorn was in their throat (it wouldn't be the first time either).

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