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TEENAGERS SCARE THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME. But srsly. What the Frik does cry mean again? I'm not dumb I just spelled/ said it in my head a lot and now I forgot.

-realizes this music video is inappropriate - OH- time to change the song

Okay so...does a boy or a girl sing this?!?!??!??

.....this song reminds me of lance


QuitRejectingMyNames LaNcE

lance....lance sounds weird now....

"Makes me feel like just another boy" ok a S T R A I G H T boi sings this.


Btw I'm really hyper cause im so happy to have my kindle back.

Past 1-2 weeks?



The usual.

Well a few days ago I went to a birthday party that I was forced to go to because my sister was going, anyway...there were about....70 people there. Everyone was wearing white

And I was wearing

A bright green hoodie, a black shirt, black jeans, and black shoes. (I sound emo-)

It was cold.

Really cold.


I got pizza and hot chocolate. And guess what I did for about an hour?

Sat on a rock being cold and wishing I was home.

Every now and then some popular kids would come up and be like "oMg yOu lOoK sO lOnElY r U oK?" And I'm like " .....ye.... " I let them say most stuff and I stayed silent mostly. Until, two girls came up to me. I need to stop using dealing names so I'll call one.......hmmmm......"Despacito " and the other one..... "Tay" that's actually close to her name. anyway Despacito & Tay came up to me and asked "hey are you ok?" ( Note: so before they came up to me I was really pissed off cause that was the 5th time I spilled BURNING HOT CHOCOLATE on my pants and hoodie) I said "yeah...?" And Gay said " you so lonely! Mine if we join you? " i said they could and they eat down next to me.

Suddenly we were all talking about LGBTQ+ And a kid I'll just literally use his name cause I can make puns out of it...so we were also talking about a kid named Gage. So. I asked "does he have H/C???" ( I don't want people from school, if they're reading this, to go harass him) and they said yes. So they said something pretty gay, and I was gonna say same but I realized. "They don't know I'm bisexual"....."hahah.....so......speaking of being gay and stuff.....I'm hi and I was gonna say same" so eventually we saw everyone going to the basement so we followed.we found a place and just chilled for a bit. So when no one was on the couch, we went and eat on it. So there was a door in front of the couch, and we saw people walk in...then walking out with strange expressions.

So I decided to go in....


There was a kid sitting on a chair....holding a bottle of ketchup,he had a blank expression. No smile....he wasn't blinking....just...sitting there. Suddenly he says "wanna a bottle of ketchup" with the most monotone voice I've ever heard. It was so creepy so when I walked about I walked to Tay and Despacito and I told them to walk in. They were weirded out. So Despacito ended up giving her number and she told me she's bi. So ye. well I gtg so I'll finish this later.

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