I hate my room
I know. There's pink. SHutup. SOo. Theres my foot. There's my sea flap flap. My bed. My viola on the floor. My dresser....duh. But what's on it? 2 things of jewelry that I never use. Unless...their...chokers....then...perfume that I don't use. Next to it is a banana award....then next to that is a painting my friend gave me then in front of it is Harry potter. Then a jewelry box then infront of it is a voltron DVD with season 1 & 2.....yep... Oh and there's discord....i....I went through a mlp (my little pony...) Phase....we....don't talk about that. Then my cast....yep....y'all remember when I broke my arm right? It still says Connor it. Then my drawers....full of drawings. Want proof? Ok.
Guess who it is!!!!!!
It's tooommmmmmmmmmmmmm...........
Bendy...duh. that my technology home- CRAP.That's nice and blurry
More Math homework....huh....
I.....I don't like homework
Welcome to my life.
My Art
Randomso I'm probably gonna regret doing this...BUT ENJOY MY HORRIBLE DRAWINGS..