Hi isreal.
I see you're now an Apple
aNd aN aNnOyIng SoN oF a bItCh
No offense :3
Anyway for everyone else who's looking at this (no one) here's that digital version of the ghost Keith water bottle lance thing gayness.
The plaid shirt took the longest...
Also I'm super excited cuz next month is probably going to be great
1. It's thanksgiving
2. It's my b-day (on the 28th UwU)
3. My cousins are coming
4! I might be going to the Twenty one pilots concert!!!! I've been trying to memorize all of their songs so I know the lyrics. And I know this is probably going to me in trouble but...me and my friend are going to jump on the stage XD. yes. Jump on the stage. You read it right.
Im sO eXcItEd. I've been getting a ton of phone numbers and texting people and asking them if they asked their parents said yes. Sadly my crush said she couldn't go....QwQ. Anyway. BAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
My Art
Randomso I'm probably gonna regret doing this...BUT ENJOY MY HORRIBLE DRAWINGS..