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Y/N's POV:

"Christopher Stop." I giggled as he kept tickling me. "You have to say the magic word." He said as I kept squirming under his hands. "Please?" I said he shook his head. "Christopher please stop it." I said in between laughs. "Por favor." I said again. Until the door opened he instantly stopped to look at who it was.

"Hola mama." He said. His mom smiled at him. "Hola señora" I said waving at her. She smiled at me. " Mija. ya te dije que solo me llamas Yenny." She offered. "Sí, Hola yenny." I said again as she nods her head. "Christopher los Chicos Estan aqui" she says as he Thanks her as she walked back into her room.

"Vamos mi amor." Christopher said holding his hand out for me. I gladly take it but stop as I ask him "can I get a piggy back ride?" I smiled innocently. He rolls his eyes and nods his head.

"Ready?" He asks I jump on his back. "I'll take it as a yes." He ran through the hallways with me on his back as we made it to the front. "We have arrived princesa." He said falling on the couch as he laid on me. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Te amo." I whispered in his ear. As I wrapped my legs around him and held his hand tightly. *fake cough*

"Hola chicos." I said waving at the boys. "Hola." They all said in unison and smiled. "Tu mamá Dijo que pasara por la tienda por la Sal y pimienta" (your mom said stop by the store for salt and pepper) Joel told me. He's my cousin and he lives with us. I nod my head. "Well I guess I'll go." I said standing up. "Adios chicos." I wave to the boys as Christopher gets up and walks me to the door.

"Adios princesa hasta mañana." He says kissing me softly. I smiled as I gave him a hug. "te amo." I say. "Te amo." He replied. "Wait! Y/n I'm coming." Joel announced. I nod my head as we leave and say bye to the boys.

*At the store*

"Cómo era la escuela?" He asked me. "Bien y tú?" I replied "tambien" he said as we walked in dancing through the aisles like the weirdos we are.

*on the way home*

Joel couldn't stop looking at his phone. He kept tapping on the window and just checking his phone constantly. "Que pasa?" I asked. "Nada" he replied. I nod my head as we pull up to the house. "Adonde Es mi mamá?" I asked confused. "No sé" Joel replied.

We walk in the house lights were off. My older brother was not there my parents weren't in the living room. I set the grocery bag down on the table. "I'm gonna go change real quick" I announced as I walked into my room and put on some comfortable shorts and one of Christopher's T-shirt's.

I checked my phone to see a message from my mom.
Mamá💕: Salir al patio trasero por favor

Y/n: Sí mamá

I turned off my light as I walked through the living room to see that Joel wasn't even there. I'm so confused. I went to the back and saw candles lit up everywhere. Making a pathway. On the screen door i saw a picture of me and Christopher from over six years ago. What is going on.

Soon I see another picture of us as we were playing slide. I haven't seen these photos in forever. I chuckled as I caressed his face in the picture.

I look up as I keep walking down the path way confused as hell. Soon Erick hands me a rose? Where'd he come from. He starts singing "para enamorarte voy hacer Quien llega primero a Tus sueños..." as I gave him a confused look but thanked him. I soon keep walking down the path. It was so dark outside I couldn't see where I was going. Only thing that was bright was the candles lighting a pathway.

I soon walk up to Joel who smiled at me and gave me another rose and a picture of Christopher and I. We were sitting at the lunch table as he kissed my cheek. I smiled at the picture and thanks Joel as he sang along to the song. "Y así tambíen dormida podrás besarme para enamorarte yo voy a cantarte"

The beat picked up as I honestly felt so confused. I hear Richard singing as he hands me a rose and another picture of Christopher and I. By now I'm crying a bit. A tear slipped a bit. He gives me a hug as I keep walking down the path as Zabdiel smiles and hands me another rose and Picture.

This picture was of Christopher and I. When he took me to see the Urban Lights. As I kept walking down the boys followed behind singing their song. But what confused me was where my mom was. She said to meet outside and I'm still tripping. Made it outside of our backyards into the woods a bit.

I keep walking and find my older brother. He hands me a rose and smiles. As we keep walking my papá was there as he gave me a rose as well. Then finally we made it. I shook my head. As I started crying my eyes out. The sight was beautiful everything was lit up and amazing.

Inside the little Gazebo outside of our house was decorated

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Inside the little Gazebo outside of our house was decorated. And there I see my handsome boyfriend Christopher Veléz. I smile at him as he brings me up.

"Que Es esto christopher?" I asked and chuckled. He smiles and hugs me. "Y/f/n Y/l/n." He holds my hands and takes me to another side of the Gazebo. "Cuando me miras asi no sabes lo que te haria" he sang to me. My heart melted as I just laid my head on his chest. "We've been together our entire lives." He starts. "From freshmen year to now." (You guys are like 26 and 27.

"Te amo mi amor." He said holding both my hands.
" I want to spend my whole life with you. And I want you to know you're my everything." He says getting on one knee. I shook my head as tears flew down my face like a river.

"Te casarías conmigo?" He asked me. As all I could do was burst into tears. "Sí" I screamed as he put the ring in my finger and spun me around. "She said yes!" He screamed as everyone came out of nowhere and started cheering.

I kissed him with passion as I hugged him tightly.

"Te Amo mi amor. For ever and ever." I say as he kisses me again. Soon everyone starts congratulating us as we thank them. I see my parents crying their eyes out.

Tonight will be a night I will never ever forget. Tonight was the night where I became Y/f/n Veléz.


Sorry it was crappy I tried my best but obviously it didn't work but oh whale lol

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