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Requested by Steph_Camacho0604


Steph's PoV:

I'm actually going to meet them!! I can't wait I can't wait!! Richard is my Favorite. After the concert was the meet and greet. I was able to get VIP tickets and so now I am like one of the firsts in line waiting.

As the security guards let the girl in front of me go I was so excited and nervous. "Alright you may go." The guy said. "Thank you so much." I say as he smiles and nods. The first one I go to was Joel. "Hola Joel Te amo." I say hugging him tightly. "I love you too." He says as I go onto Christopher and do the same and finally Richard was last.

"Richard!" I exclaimed as he chuckled and kissed my cheek and hugged me. "Richard, Por favor. ha habido una emergencia con Yashua." His mother comes up and says with Aaliyah. He starts freaking out as Aaliyah starts tugging on my pants. I giggle as I start playing with her.

"Pero who is gonna watch A-." He pauses as he looks at me. "Do you think maybe you can watch Aaliyah? Until the meet and greet is over? Por favor?" He asked me. I gave the biggest smile. "Of course." I say. He smiles as he gives me another hug and has Renato take us into another room. "Gracias Renato" I thank him as he nods his head.

"Hola Aaliyah" I say to her "hi." She waves shyly as she plays with her toys. "Do you like dolls?" I asked her. She nods her head as she gave me one as we played.

*three hours later *

It was about 9:00Pm. Aaliyah was knocked out on my chest, as we laid on the couch. I soon fell asleep after. But was woken up by a kiss on my forehead. I open my eyes to see that it was Richard and the rest of the boys.

They all looked at me and smiled. "Que?" I asked confused and started to blush. "Es muy Bonita." Richard says. As I start to blush more. Aaliyah claps her hands and smiles at me. "Did you have a a good time baby?" He asked Aaliyah. She nods her head "can Steph come with us?" She asked. Richard smiled and looked at me "up to you." He smiled.

I tickle Aaliyah and replied "of course" as she laughs and yells yay! The boys all laugh as we go out and eat. These boys are really amazing. I love them. Richard placed Aaliyah in between the two of us as me and Aaliyah played.


We pulled up to the CNCO house. "I can't believe I'm actually here." I squealed as the boys looked at me. "I'm sorry my fangirling only comes out sometimes." I chuckled as they laughed and walked inside.

"It's time to shower monkey." Richard says tickling Aaliyah. She giggled as she runs into her room I supposed. "I'll help" I offered as Richard smiles and nods his head.


"Can you put me to bed por favor Steph?" Aaliyah asked me. I smiled and looked at Richard. He nods his head as he follows me and Aaliyah to her bed. We lay down together and start singing to put her to sleep.

Soon as she falls asleep we enter Richards room. "Here you go." He says handing me one of his T-shirt's. I thank him as I slip it on and lay in his bed. I chuckled. "I find it crazy how im laying in bed with one of my idols." I announced. He laughed. "You're really cute Steph." He says facing me as he laid down next to me.

"I know this is so quick but would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked. I smiled "I'd love that." I say. He smiled back and kissed my lips. "Buenas Noches Nena." He said as I smiled and fell asleep in his embrace.

*The End*

Hope you liked :)

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