chapter 7

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So this is it.....I promised another chapter and well here is it hope you guys like it...don't forget about the votes, if this chapter gets 40 votes I would post another chapter and don't only vote for this chapter, vote for the previous chapters as well, keep the comments rolling in and most importantly recommend this story to your friends, I would really appreciate it.....

I stood still looking at the one person that caused me pain...Beckett,I never thought I would say this but I really missed this guy, his smiles that could light up a world, what am I doing, Vanessa this guy cheated on you with your best friend.

"Hi,Vanessa" he said looking straight at me,I just stood there looking at him, if he thinks I am going to talk to him then he's wrong about that " can I talk to you "

I just followed him to one side of the cafeteria,I looked around and noticed there was no one here,wouldn't really want this to be the talk of town

"Vanessa,I need to talk to you about our situation" he started. Seriously 'situation' this guy really needs a death wish

"What,did your girlfriend complain about me to you" I said back harshly,I really need to stop being a jackass

"No,Carly did not say anything to me" he said back

"So,you're not denying the fact" I said back putting my hands in my waist

"Vanessa,I know what I did was wrong but please can you find it in your heart to forgive me,I really like you Vanessa even if permitted I would say love but then I started having this feeling towards Carly and she likes me too but was denying it, I wanted her to have a chance at love that's why I asked her out"he said. I could not believe my eyes he's in love with me but he decided to hurt me for my friend I would say smooth actions Beckett

" so hurting me and loving her was her own chance at love"

"I know its hard right now but Carly is my friend and I would not want her to think nobody likes her or she's doomed at love"

"So what about me" I asked out of no where

"Vanessa,you're still my girlfriend and I still love you very much but now Carly needs me more"

"Do you hear yourself right now,i was the one that warmed up to you first,I was the one to be your friend even when they told me not to,I decided to date you even when your mum called me to stay away from you and when this so Carly advised me saying you were a bad influence but now Carly is more important to you than me"

"Right now you wouldn't understand but later you will I promise"

"I can't believe you Beckett, I really can't and I will really like it if you don't talk to me anymore, I don't want anything to do with either you or Carly" with that I walked away from him,who did he think he was deceiving, does he think he can have it both ways not in this lifetime Beckett.

Getting back to the cafeteria, I had lost my appetite after what transpired between me and Beckett, Sasha won't stop asking what's wrong and I was later forced to tell him all that happened and believe me when I say this his eyes was like that of a dragon whose tail was stepped on

"I can not believe that guy,is he crazy or does he think he can just get away with everything because his mum is a teacher here,I think I need to have a piece of talk with him" he said getting up angrily

"Sasha,stop" I hold his hand"its no use,I don't want you there, I already decided to cut all ties with them,you going there will just stir up another argument,don't go there please Sasha"his anger seem to cool down a bit and later had a nice lunch with him trying to lift my mood of course,I can't think of what will happen to me if Sasha was not here with me.

The rest of school was boring because not only is Sasha not in any of my classes I had to see either Carly or Beckett in all my classes and i was not feeling well with that. I always thought school is the only place I can get a piece of mind since mom and dad are never home and their marriage is at the verge of collapsing, going home was the hard part for me everyday and seeing nobody is there to welcome like mum always did

Getting home,it was empty and my eyes were watery,did mum really not miss me that she decided to never come back,I miss my mum a lot and I wish she was here with me. Home brings tears to my eyes and the school that I think would take my mind of all this drama too is like a dungeon to me but just like Sasha had said leaving is not the solution to my problem and therefore I decided to stay and I can not lose all that I have worked for over people like them,I am brave and strong and I know I can handle this with or without help from anyone. With my mind settled I took out my phone and called the one person I know I should right now

The phone rings
"Hello princess"

"Hello dad,I am not leaving keaton, I decided to stay and work things out"

"I Am very glad to hear that,I knew you will come around, I have to go I am in the middle of a meeting will talk to you later

" bye dad"

With this off my chest, I ordered pizza and watched Netflix,this would have been great if Carly was here but I am enjoying my own company better today and the world seemed at peace.

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