Chapter 1 | Dealing With Crazy Shit #1

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Take note that in this chapter, Iris and Coleen are 5 as Zachary is 7, also Celeste is 11.

"Hey, Lestie. I found this weird board outside." Iris hands the strange-looking board game to her older cousin; Celeste. Celeste's eyes spark with some sort of emotion. She didn't know what but it looked to be somewhere between excited and upset.

Iris looks away, clearly bored and impatient. She hears shuffling beside her, she tilts her head in confusion when she looks. Celeste was running her hand through some small holes behind the carton container of the board.

"This.. this is my friend's..." she looks around. "But how did it get here?" She adds

"Maybe he dropped it off here or something?" Iris suggests.

"No, that can't be." She frowns.

"Why not?" Iris asks, Celeste's frown deepens.

"Because he's dead." Celeste tears up. Iris starts to panic.

"WHAAAT?" She grips on the end of her small dress. "MOOOOO-nmmh!" Iris squirms when Celeste puts her hand over her mouth.

"Shut up!" She whisper-yells. Iris rolls her eyes and nods her head in agreement. "Before I let you go, promise me to NOT tell anyone! Ever!"

Iris nods and Celeste let's go of her. "How do you pronounce that though?" Iris asks, Celeste looks at her in a questioning way. Iris points to the title of the board.

"It's the ouija board." She replies. An emotion flashes through her eyes and get again, Iris still couldn't decipher it. Celeste shakes her head and leaves.

"Go google it yourself, twerp." Celeste says as she walks back to her room like a damn badass.


Iris scoots over to her best friend; Zach with his little sister; Coleen.

"Zach, I got something to show you." Iris says.

"What is it?" Zach asks. Instead of answering, Iris opens her bag and pulls out the ouija board from yesterday. Zach's eyes widen.

"That- that's an ouija board!" He exclaims, luckily, the whole room was loud enough to not have anyone hear him.

"Hush!" Iris whispers.

"I heard the ouija board is haunted- people die playing this game." Coleen cuts in. Iris nods and looks at Coleen. Their eyes meet one another even from just afar. Zach looks at the two with a weirded-out expression.

"Okay guys, stop talking terepathical-"

"-telepathically." Iris cuts him off. He rolls his eyes and continues.

"We aren't playing this game." Zach states. The two girls smirk at her. "Are you sayin' that you're a chicken???" They tease.

"Am not!" Zach gets defensive.

"Am too!" The two girls reply with the same tone as the charming young male.

"Am not!" Zach repeats.

"Am too!" The two girls repeat once more before getting interrupted by the teacher.

"Hush, children. There will be no fighting in the classroom." The girls giggle as the young man sighs and shakes his head.

This is quite short, I actually make longer stories when I'm not tired but I will make them longer soon. Also, these first few chapters will be about when they were young and the other characters may or may not be involved until farther in the story.

Thanks guys, peace ✌🏼!

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