Chapter 2 | Boy Dressed In White

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IRIS' POV (first person)
Their hearts quickened, full of fear but they decide to continue.

"What's your name?" Coleen asks. Another long wait passed by before the planchette starts to move again.








"I think I knew someone who's name is Charles." Coleen joked, scaring her brother.

"Hell naw. I'm out." Zach stood up, removing his hands from the planchette. You push him back down.

"Boi, stop breaking the rules." You scold. He roles his eyes and grumbles under his breath. You continue h game and honestly, the more questions you ask, the more things get creepy. You guys were onto your 8th question with the mysterious spirit named Charles.

"How did you die?" Coleen asks. The three of you gasp when the lights start flickering. You swallowed a lump in your throat as the planchette started to move.


"No? What does it mean no?" Zach looks at you and Coleen simultaneously.

"I... I don't know.." you answer. Coleen shrieks when she sees her backpack start to shake and float. It turns upside down and the zipper somehow breaks, sending all of the contents in it out on the floor.

A old and perfectly kept picture of an aged lady who looked to be past 80 was then soaked in ink from her black permanent marker. Her red marker then moved to the picture and started writing.


Coleen's eyes then flashed an unpleasant reddish green. Once her eyes went back to normal, everything else did the same except the damaged photo and all her stuff.

You took the photo in your hands and thought in confusion. Coleen then broke out from her strange trance snd gasped in anger and surprise when she saw you hold the soaked, broken picture. She growled and pushed you, packing all of her stuff and leaving the house with her brother. She, of course, angrily snatched the photo out of your hands.

Zach gave you a look of confusion and you returned the look to him. You frowned. You decided to tidy things up and clean the ouija board.

There was one thing you forgot to do, you just couldn't put your finger on what it was. You decided to brush it off and get to bed, crying yourself to sleep. Coleen stormed off before you had the chance to explain.

You forgot something.

A boy in his preteen years wearing a formal white suit stands behind you.

You scream in surprise when you turn and see the unpleasantly wounded boy. He had scars all over his face and blood dripped from his head to his eyes, covering the whites, the pupils and the irises in them. The blood continued down to his neck and blood smudges were in many parts of his formal ware.


You forgot to end the game.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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