Chapter 1 | Dealing with Crazy Shit #2

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"Hi mom! Bye mom!" Iris greets and bids farewell to her mother as she walks to her room with her two friends, secretly hiding the forbidden board.

As she shuts the door to her room, she remembers to tell her mother not to disturb them.



"Don't disturb us later, we're doing homework."

"Okay, darling."

Iris grabs the ouija board out of her bag with shaking hands. She was nervous. I mean, what sane person wouldn't be? They're going to take to ghosts, possibly demons.

She puts the board out of the box and puts the planchette on it. It was brown and very detailed. The box was quite worn out. They pull out a small piece of paper, containing the instructions on how the play the forbidden game.

The three kids sat around it, making it look even more cult-like. They read the step-by-step instruction on the paper. Iris goes to close the light and take out a candle. She sneaked it out from her father's toolbox. She lights the candle with the match, which she again stole from her father's toolbox, and placed it between Zach and Coleen. The siblings inch away from it, afraid to catch on fire.

The three children put their fingers on the planchette before rotating it three times. At that moment, they knew that they may be soon cursed for they started the game of the devil.

"What should we ask it?" Iris asked.

"I dunno.." Zach answered. "Maybe ask it if it's there?" Coleen said. Iris nodded.

"Ouija board, is there a ghost here?" You ask. Minutes pass, the tension between the children were killing them slowly. Zach had sweat bearing down from his forehead and Iris was shaking the littlest bit.

The planchette soon started moving, their hands going along. The glass hole in the planchette showed the word: Yes.

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