Chapter 52

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"Ah-Ah-Ah. Wouldn't want your new master to lose his kitchen now would you?." Marxan grinned as he took a bite of his apple, standing as if he had no fear of the woman who was presently brandishing her wand at him.

Hermione's body was flushed with a mixture of fear and rage. She didn't recognize his face but his voice told her all she needed to know. Her brain did alert her that something was missing but it was too cluttered with memories to tell her exactly what it was.

Her eyes narrowed at his lackadaisical manner, "He's not my master." She raised the wand up higher but found herself unable to cast the spell that would send the horrid man from this world into the next.

"No? What is he then?" Marxan gave her a small look through the corner of his good eye as he began to move towards her, completely unafraid.

"He's my..." What was he? Her professor? Her lover? Her—anything? Her words trailed off as she watched the man's body phase through the island as though he wasn't really there. A mirage, a projection of sorts. Like a nightmare come to reality.

"Pretty interesting spell is it not?" He licked the corner of his lip, his eyes lowering down to her waist, "Lets me be in places I shouldn't be." He took the final piece of his apple, licking his bottom lip in a very slow and suggestive manner, "Did you really think you could kill me?" He lined his chest up with her wand, his crooked eyes staring directly into her soul.

"I will kill you." Hermione's voice didn't waver, but her wand did just a touch, "I will."

"Maybe. Maybe not." He grinned wider.

"Why are you here?" Her words were sharp, like a viper's hiss.

"I'm looking for something." He leaned his head just a bit closer, taking in a deep breath even though he knew he couldn't actually smell her. The spell that he was using only allowed him to explore an area but didn't actually let him touch or move anything. He could walk through closed doors but only if they weren't spelled closed.

"You'll never have me again." Hermione's jaw raised and clenched tight as she refused to look away. Searing the scared visage into her mind.

"You really think I'd risk my life for a mudblood slut?" His deep laugh chilled the room even further, the blade he still held in his hand lowering down to the brand he'd left on her skin, "I it still inside you?"

Hermione snarled when he moved just a touch closer but her wand passed right through him when he stepped around her. Every hair on the back of her neck stood on end and she couldn't help but turn to see where he was going. "We destroyed it."

"Not a very good liar. What house were you? Hufflepuff? Ravenclaw?" His voice was taunting, his steps slow as he moved into the hallway, surreptitiously leading her towards the front door, "Gryffindor?"

Hermione's chest was tight as she forced herself to keep quiet, she could tell he was playing a game but to what end? She could taste blood in her mouth with the force in which she held her tongue. Her wand hand itching to cast a spell—any spell to expel this vile man from her presence. She moved closer towards the foot of the stairs, apparition or not, she wasn't about to let the man find his way to Severus. Of that, she was very certain.

Marxan grinned when he noticed she'd tried to take a defensive position at the stairs. Even without speaking, she was telling him more and more, "I tell you what." His steps slowed to just a few paces before the front door, "I'll give you the chance to kill me; if you bring me what I desire." He turned only partially, "And if you think you'll be able to find me without my aid, you'll be searching until the end of days. I am like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. I am only where I want to be and nowhere else."

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