Chapter 66

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Severus, open your eyes.

Severus let out a deep breath, his chest felt as though something or someone was sitting on it. His throat felt similarly tight but his will to answer her call overrode all the pain that was thrumming in the back of his skull. He could feel someone beside him but their energy wasn't that which he found comfort in. It was this observation that finally got him to move.

"Godfather?" Draco leaned over just a touch, not wanting to crowd the injured man's space too much. When his eyes opened just a crack he offered him a broken and tired smile, "You're alive..."

Severus let out a deep groan bringing his stiff arm up to rub his eyes. The movement sent sparked pain down his side but he ignored it. When he lowered his hand he blinked slowly to try and bring the blond into focus, "Where...?" His voice was no more than a gravel filled whisper.

"In your rooms. Granger brought you here and a house elf fixed you up." Draco shifted just a bit, his hands itching to help the man who was presently trying to push himself up further on the pillows.

"No..." Severus hissed deeply before trying to clear his throat, the action caused a sharp metallic taste to fill his tongue, "Granger...Where?"

Draco bit the inside of his lip, "I don't know...she wasn't here when I got here..."

Severus could feel his head growing light from his labored breaths but he had made a promise, he had to find her. Keep her alive. She deserved to live beyond this war. To find something better in the world. A narrow-eyed glance removed the boy from the bed and he was able to drag his legs over the side. His chest was without clothes but he was still in his slacks and shoes. It would have to do. He had to find her.

"Woah now, you can't just get up! You're severely injured!" Draco moved to stand in front of him but his need to restrain him was unnecessary as the man began to pitch sideways back towards the pillows, "You're in no condition to move, let alone stand..." Draco took hold of his legs and with very little effort rolled the man onto his back.

"Keep her...alive..."Severus fought as long as he could against the encroaching darkness. The dark cone around his vision, the blissful cold of unconsciousness.

"I will..." Draco pursed his lips, how could he possibly begin to fulfill the last request of an obviously dying man. He didn't even know how long he'd sat in that room lamenting over everything in his life that had brought him there.


Hermione wiped the blood from her brow with a wary eye towards the sky. She could feel the world around her changing. Growing darker, as though her deeds had come to pass judgment upon her. Still, she felt no remorse for what she'd done. No, she felt justified and at peace with her actions. It was odd sort of cold that settled in her chest and it carried with her a weight that she could feel to her very soul.

A tight breath left her chest as she began to make her way towards the destroyed courtyard. It would be a bit of a climb back up but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. A few magically assisted jumps brought her up near the first level halls where she took rest inside one of the window seals. It was risky, being so exposed but her body was just not responding the way she expected it to.

By the time she'd made her way to the second level outcropping, she was starting to feel winded. It was only when she heard a familiar voice did she find the strength to keep moving. Her hawk-like eyes could not see the body to whom it belonged but her over-sensitive ears told her that they were moving closer. Pushing herself closer, she took note that the courtyard was nearly completely covered with broken statues and bloodstains. It appeared that the wounded and dead had been moved somewhere else.

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