Chapter 3

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Liam's P.O.V

It's about 2:00 in the morning and all I've been doing is thinking. not thinking about just anything I've been thinking about the girl on my chest. Lydia, I barely know her but she's a shy girl she always blushes when I wink or even compliment her I find it cute. I sighed and tried to slip out if the bed but Lydia clenched my shirt and nuzzled her head into my chest. she's cute when she sleeps. So I gave in and closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. then I woke up to Lydia sitting up I opened one eye to see her wipe her eyes, and then she looked at me I opened my other eye and smiled "morning" she said raspily god that's hot "good morning" she smiled "I'm gonna shower" I nodded and sat up and started to stand up and hesitated when I felt her peck my cheek I looked at her and she was blushing and I chuckled and left the room and walked to mine wow my room is a mess there's clothes on the floor and my bed is unmade I sighed and walked out to lazy to clean it. I walked down stairs to the kitchen and grabbed a blood bag and poured it into a cup and drank it I then put the dirty cup in the sink which was filled with dirty dishes. I walked to the living room to see Nichole laying next to Zayn while he played with her hair I didn't want to interfere so I walked back up stairs walking and them I heard someone "Liam?" It was Lydia "yes Lydia" "can you bring me another towel?" I chuckled "sure" I grabbed one from the closet and handed it to Lydia she was pink like her hair "thanks" she said I winked and she turned red I laughed in my head and walked away I walked into the kitchen having nothing to do to see Harry,Niall and Louis "hey guys" "hey Liam" Harry said I leaned against the counter to join the conversation "watcha guys talkin about louis sighed "we're running low on the bags" I nodded "I noticed" "should we go for more blood today?" Niall asked "that's gonna take all day!" I whined "hey it's worth it if we get a full fridge" Louis added I sighed "what about the girls" I asked Niall spoke up "I'll compel them not to leave" I nodded "I'll get dressed and we'll go" they nodded and Louis called Zayn into the kitchen we told him about what's gonna happen and I walked up stairs and into my room I took my shirt off but stopped when I heard a knock on my door I looked to see Lydia leaning on the door she just stared at me i smirked "like the view?" She blushed "what am I supposed to do today since Niall compelled me not to leave?" he sighed "I don't really know look around the house and watch T.V I guess?" she stared at me for a little but by thinking and then her eyes widened with delight "I know what I'm gonna do!" I smiled at her excitement "and what is that?" she smirked "it's a surprise" then she widened her eyes and covered her ears "AND NO READING MY MIND!!" She yelled while running away, I laughed "covering your ears isn't going to do anything!" I yelled to her and I heard her laugh she's in her room by now and closing the door I slipped on my black shirt and jeans and walked down stairs to see the boys at the front door "girls come down stairs!" Louis yelled they came down and smiled at us "yes?" Niall looked at them weirdly "what are you girls up to?" Nikki smiled "is a surprise" I rolled my eyes "we're leaving and we'll be back by midnight okay?" Zayn said they nodded "don't do anything you'll regret" Harry said "okay dad" Lydia said Harry widened his eyes and I laughed but stopped when he slapped the back of my head causing Lydia and Nikki to laugh the girls kissed our cheeks and we left "I wonder what the girls are up to?" I said to the guys "I'm scared to come home later" Niall said we all laughed and jumped into the truck and drive off


Lydia's P.O.V

The boys left and I looked around the house with Nikki for a speaker and "I FOUND ONE!" Nikki yelled from the living room I smiled "perfect" I plugged my phone in I know what all of you are thinking call 911! but it's disconnected the boys are smarter than you think! Any ways I started playing my really up beat music like This party by Matt young. and we started... CLEANING!! It's a stress released and I think cleaning an entire mansion will release most of my stress I started in Liam's room, I don't know why I opened the door and had a mini heart attack "THESE ROOMS ARE FILTHY!" I heard Nikki yell from the room next door "WHOS ROOM ARE YOU IN?!" I wondered "ZAYNS AND ITS GROSS!!" I laughed a little "SAME" I laughed in agreement with her "LET ME GUESS LIAMS ROOM HUH?" She said in that 'I know you like himmmm tone' "YEAH WHY?" "NOTHING" I rolled my eyes there is no way I'm going to have a crush on one of my kidnappers no way! I pushed the thought out of my head and started cleaning I got a trash bag and shoved all the napkins and plastic cups and plates into the bag, then I got all his dirty clothes and put it in a bag, then I went into his closet and color coordinated his clothes from tank tops to long sleeves, then I took the sheets and cover off his bed and the covers off his pillows but when I pulled a cover off his pillow a brown journal fell from his pillow case "oops" I picked it up and looked at it completely vulnerable what do you think is in it No Lydia no that's his privacy he wouldn't keep it in a pillow case if he wanted people to read it I sighed and put it on his desk and left I put the dirty stuff in the washing machine and started on the next room, Harry's room. I walked in and I was close to tears his room was spot less and his clothes were color coordinated and I'm pretty sure his sheets were clean so I just sweeped cleaned the windows and mopped. I then went to Nialls room it was close to clean so I redid his closet picked te clothes up sweeped and mopped . "HEY NIKKI" "YES LYD" "ARE YOU DONE WITH ZAYNS ROOM?" "YEAH IM KN LOUIS ROOM NOW" "OKAY I JUST DID NIALL HARRY AND LIAMS ROOM!" "OKAY ILL DO THE BATHROOMS AND YOU DO THE REST!" I rolled my eyes she left me with doing the dishes polishing the wood mopping sweeping and doing the windows thanks Nikki! I walked down stairs and got to work I looked at the clock 12:00 A.M "DONE" I heard the shower turn off and Nikki came down in her PJs during this time she took a shower great that's great "my turn for a shower" she smiled "woah you did a good job cleaning Lyd!" Nikki complemented my hard work "thanks" I went up stairs and grabbed a towel this time and my White shorts that said pink on the back they were really short but they were comfortable I grabbed a pink tank top and my fuzzy panda slippers I came down stairs after my showers and heard the drier machine go off so I ran to it and grabbed Liam's sheets and covers and took them up stairs and I fixed his bed and put his journal into the case turned his light of and I made sure all the now clean dishes were in their places and that's when I started to make dinner I made pasta while Nikki set the table up I then sat with Nikki on the couch I stopped my music and we just talked for a little until we heard the car pull in so we turned the lights off the boys came in and turned the lights on and we jumped up from the couch "SURPRISE!!" they jumped and looked around Harry's jaw dropped "no way!" I laughed "do you guys like?" I asked they all looked around eyes wide "You two cleaned this entire house?!" Liam asked "Yep!" Nikki yelled feeling accomplished the guys then stopped "I smell some thing super yummy" Louis said "we made dinner too" I said the guy smiled and tackled us with hugs and all I could do was laugh "BOYS INSTEAD OF HUGGING IS TO DEATH LOOK AT YOUR ROOMS" Nikki choked out they backed away and they super sped to their rooms "AHHH" they all screamed "EVERYTHING IS CLEAN AND MY CLOSET IS COLOR COORDINATED" Niall screamed I laughed "MY SHEETS SMEEL LIKE FLOWERS!!" Liam screamed "MY FLOOR ISNT PILED IN CLOTHES!" Zayn screamed " MY ROOM SMELLS LIKE LEMONS" Harry screamed Liam came down stairs with a worried look "can I talk to you outside?" I smiled "sure Liam" he sighed and we went outside it was dark and creepy "Lydia did you see a journal in a pillow cover?" being completely honest I answered "yes I did why?" his hand squeezed mine "did you read it?" "NO!, no I'm sorry I yelled but no i didn't I know that I wouldn't want someone to read my journal so I left it alone" he smiled and hugged me "thank you, for every thing. thank you so much" I laughed "can we go inside I feel scared out here" he nodded and we went inside and all the guys were walking downstairs "Lydia Nikki please sit at the couch" Harry said I scrunched my eyebrows and sat and the guys stood on front of us "yeah Harry?" he smiled "WHERES THE FOOD!?" he yelled I laughed "I thought we were in trouble!" Nikki yelled we all stood up and sat at the table eating and laughing talking about funny stories and things like that and then I took all the dirty plates and cups and started to wash the dishes I felt someone's hand on my hip and I looked to see Liam "hey" he said "hi Liam" he sighed "you didn't have to do all this work" I smiled "I wanted to it kinda releases stress and I wanted to clean this house for a while now" he smiled " we'll let me at least help you with the dishes" I shook my head no "don't worry I'm already done" I said putting the last cup in the covert Liam groaned "what's your problem Liam?" I asked "I wanna repay you I mean we kinda took your lives away and then you clean the house and make us dinner I mean It doesn't feel right!" he said frustrated I smiled but then it turned into a frown "is today Saturday?!" he nodded "yeah why?" Liam said I slapped a hand over my mouth "I'm supposed to visit my mom!" he bit his lip.. god that's hot STOP LYDIA! "can I borrow your phone and I'll tell her I'm sick" he sighed "okay" he handed me his phone and I typed it in ring ring ring ri- "hello?" I heard my moms voice "mom?" "Lydia!! are you okay?!" "hi mom yeah I'm fine I'm sorry I couldn't come today I caught the stomach virus and I think Nikki caught it two" "oh goodness do you want me to tell Zack to check on you?" "NO NO DONT SEND ZACK! I mean don't send Zack I just got my prescription and I don't want to get him sick I'm fine really" she sighed "okay I love you baby" "I love you two mom bye" she clicked and I started to cry Liam hugged me "are you okay" "no not really" he sighed "I'm sorry Lydia I'm sorry" I nodded wiped my tears and went to tell Nikki what happened she cried two she understood that I had just lied to my mom and that we are never going home. I went to my room and sat on the bed I looked around and saw my book shelf and grabbed 'To kill a mocking bird' and read the last chapter that I didn't finish when I was done I went down being awfully bored and went into the kitchen I looked at my self in the reflection of the fridge I have been crying for about an hour Zayn walked in and I wiped my eyes "hey Lydia" "hi Zayn" "what's wrong?" he asked me and I sighed "nothing just stressed, do you have any scotch?" he nodded and opened a covert and handed me a medium sized bottle I opened it and started chugging "woah woah no no don't chug the bottle!" Zayn said snatching it "you drank half the bottle!" he whined I hiccuped "I feel a lot better" my words slurred Liam came in and stared at Zayn and then me "what just happened?" Liam asked "Lydia chugged half the bottle of scotch" Zayn said Liam's eyes widened "WHY?!" "I THOUGHT SHE WAS GONNA TAKE A SIP NOT CHUG THE DAMN THING" I hiccuped again and tried walking but that was a fail so Liam picked me up and walked me to my bed and laid me down "you're so nice Liam" he looked down at me and sighed "thanks Lydia" I hiccuped "lay with me" he sighed "not tonight" I put my puppy face on "why not?" "cause you're gonna try some thing" he said he knows me too well I smiled and winked at him he turned my light off "good night Lydia" I sighed "night night" he closed my door and I knocked out.


Liam's P.O.V

She's drunk! how amazing! I couldn't sleep with her she'll try something and is know that something will go bad I can control my self but not that well. I walked away and walked into my room and took my shirt and pants off I laid in my bed I sighed and looked around my room it was spotless thanks to Lydia. I feel so bad I took her normal life away and now she has to live in a house full if vampire dudes and she's so nice to us! and there's no way to repay her no way I feel terrible I shook my head and turned my light off and went to sleep and dreamt of Lydia great there's no way to escape her. Not like I would want to or anything


Hey peoples hoped you liked it! ily💕


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