Chapter 9

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I wake up to see Harry asleep his head was on my chest his mouth was slightly open and he held my body within his protective and warm grasp he was the cutest thing ever! I slowly slipped away some how and I tiptoed down stairs and made French vanilla coffee I poured myself a mug and added my cream and sugar I leaned against the counter and looked out at the sun rising from behind the tall trees of the forest I sighed and felt strong arms wrap around me "good morning my love" a raspy and sexy voice ran through my ears i turned "good morning sleepy head" I replied looking at Harry and he smiled "do you want me to make you breakfast?" he asked I shook my head "I'm tired of omelets!" I groaned quietly and he sighed but his eyes filled with delight "go take a shower and wear a normal pair of shorts and shirt" he spoke quickly and I nodded and did so I showered and changed into my high waisted shorts with tiny daisies on them and my crop top that says Fetch I put my hair in a pony tail I slipped on my black converse and walked downstairs to see Harry in a white shirt and black jeans "ready love?" he asked and I nodded grabbing my purse and hanging it on my shoulder he smiled and entwined out fingers we walked out and sat in his black range rover and he drove us to "IHOP!!" I squealed in excitement and he chuckled we walked in and we sat down "hello ma'am may I take your order?" I guy said completely checking me out I smiled "hi I'm gonna have the Funny Face and a chocolate milk" I ordered and so did Harry but he gave him a look and he brought back our food we ate and Harry paid like a gentleman and we left I looked at him "Harry this isn't the way home.." I said to him and he smiled "I know" I looked at where he was parking "THE MALL!" I jumped out and grabbed his hand and we ran into a random store with beautiful dresses mostly for clubbing and I saw a dress to die for it was gold and sparkly but really short and hugged my body like skin and it was backless I tried it on and Harry loved it! I went to pay but he intervened and paid for the dress and I smacked his arm "Harry how dare you!" I yelled clearly mad "what did I do wrong?" he asked amusingly "I was going to pay for the dress!!" I whined and he laughed and kissed the top of my head "I live you" he said and I smiled "I love you too" and he smiled widely but I heard my name being called I turned around to see Joshua the six year old boy that I used to baby sit he was running to me and I got on one knee and put my bag down and spread my arms out and he ran into them hugging me "oh my goodness Joshy I missed you!!" I yelled happily spinning in circles while he laughed his contagious laugh I set him down "where's mom?" I asked and he put his head down "I can't find her" he said and my eyes widened "when did you see her last?" I asked him "yesterday" he spoke "how did you get here?" I asked "mom brought me yesterday and said she was gonna get clothes to wait in the chair but she never came so I hid in one of the stores all night" he answered me and my eyes popped out of my head Joshua's mom was terrible at being a mom but she would never leave him in the mall would she? I looked at Harry "Harry I can't leave him I'm the only person he's got" I whispered his dad is dead and the rest of his family lives in California and Harry sighed "you can't" he said mostly to himself and he nodded "but it's going to be difficult where is he gonna sleep?" he asked I smiled "with me" he squinted his eyes "Lydia your room was turned into an office and you sleep with me" he reminded me "i know" I smiled he sighed "okay okay" we stopped by his home and his mom wasn't there and neither was her clothes or belongings we took Joshys clothes and toys and things like that and we brought it all to the house it was quiet "hello?" I called no answer and I heard Joshy speak up "Uhm Lydia there's a note" he said pointing the bright pink sticky note out it said 'Lydia and Harry, we aren't home and won't be until tomorrow we are at the cabin having a discussion with Liam don't do anything gross love, Louis' what an idiot I muttered Harry helped me set Joshua's toys and clothes up in his closet and we watched his favorite cartoons with him "it's late and I'm going to shower I'll be back" I said pecking Harry's lips I walked up stairs and took my shower and put on a pair of rubber ducky pants and a matching sweater and slippers I was walking down the stairs until i saw Harry and Joshua playing like tickle fights and staring contests Harry is so good with kids so far it makes him about twenty tins hotter I walked down and scared them "rawr!!!!" I yelled Joshua yelled and Harry jumped "Lydia!" Joshy yelled and we all laughed "in gonna make Mac and cheese!!" I yelled running to the kitchen and the boys followed "i wanna help!" Joshy yelled and Harry repeated him we all are and I helped Joshua shower but I know what you're thinking eww he's a little boy well I raised him since he was two so I don't think it matters anymore he got dressed in his spider man PJs and we walked to see Harry in sweat pants and being shirtless and Joshy yawned and i laid next to Joshy so he was in between Harry and I but Harry put his arm over Joshua so it was laid on my waist and I did the same "good night Lydia good night Harry" he said sleepily and we replied "night Joshy sweet dreams" Harry spoke and I looked at him "Thank you" I whispered and he smiled "thank you Lydia" he whispered back and I carefully pecked his lips and went to sleep but I couldn't sleep at all so I snook out of the room and went down stairs and I noticed that I might of made one of the biggest mistakes in my life I had just taken in a six year old boy who I used to baby sit and now I'm going to have to raise him in a house hold of violent super natural creatures the fun is going to be over be cause I have an innocent humans life on my hands and I don't even know how everyone else is going to react to this sudden dilemma I sighed but i felt someone's tiny hand grab hold of my wrist "Lydia I had a bad dream and Harry won't wake up he's too tired" I heard Joshua's sweet little voice and I looked at him and I sat him on the couch with his Spider-Man themed blanket "okay Joshy how about you tell me what your bad dream was about?" I asked and he sighed "it was a big boy and he had red eyes and he was very mean and he would hit me and I couldn't find you and be hurt me even more when I ran" he spoke quietly "Awe it's okay I'm here for you I will protect you and Harry will two" I reassured him and he hugged me "thanks Lydia in tired now can we take a sleep" he said I smiled at his sentence I saw Harry asleep so I laid next to him my back against his chests and he wrapped his arm around my waist and I slept next to Joshua and he hugged me and fell asleep I woke up at eighth in the morning and Joshua wasn't in the bed so I jumped up "HARRY" I groaned but sat up "what" he asked "Joshua isn't here!" I said jumping up "joshy!" I yelled running out of the room and Harry followed nothing but silence "Joshua!" Harry called for him but nothing again and then I heard something and ran super speed to the noise it was Joshua getting out of the bathroom and I hugged him and Harry walked in and inset Joshua down "you scared us!" Harry told Joshua "im sorry I had to wee" he explained and I kissed his head "are you hungry?" I asked and he nodded I pointed at Harry "how about you?" I asked him and he smiled "jes" he answered and I went to make pancakes while the boys sat and watched Tom and Jerry I could hear their laughter and I couldn't help but smile maybe taking Josh with me wasn't such a bad idea? I called the boys in and Harry walked in with Joshy on his shoulders while spinning and Joshua was crying of laughter and I couldn't help but laugh along with them. we sat and ate the food and then.. "I'm gonna take a shower and so are you stinky boys and then we are gonna have fun today!" I said running up stairs and I heard the boys laughing yet again when I finished my shower I got my Arctic monkeys muscle tank top that was the length of my belly button and high waisted shorts after I slipped on my black hightop converse and walked down stairs "boys are you ready?" I asked walking into my room to see Harry and Joshy in their under wear and Harry looked at me "Lydia I don't know what clothes to dress Joshua in" he whined and Joshua just smiled I laughed and picked out a green t shirt with dinosaurs on it and brown shorts in then helped him put on his shoes and Harry wore a white shirt with black jeans as usual "okay what are we doing today?" Harry asked I smiled "it's a surprise!" I said and Joshua clapped his hands "I like surprises!" He said happily and Harry groaned "but I wanna know now!!!" he whined even more "you sound like a baby" Joshua told Harry and I started laughing and gave Joshua a high five we walked down stairs and out side and I walked into a patch of grass where the sun shined perfectly and flowers were bloomed through out the area and it was beautiful with no tall trees in the way I had been eyeing this area every morning looking for a chance to visit it Harry smiled and Joshua sighed "what's wrong joshy?" I asked "what are we supposed to do here?" he asked and I smiled "this" I grabbed a frisbee out of my bag and flew it to Harry and then he passed it to Joshy and we all started playing around playing tag, frisbee, catch, hot potato, red line green light we played all these childish games and it was the best day of my life Joshua grew tired so we all walked back home messing with each other and laughing so Harry put Joshua on his shoulders and he covered Harry's eyes while Harry started spinning and stumbling finding his way home we made it inside safely and crying of laughter and we heard someone "ahem" it was Nikki and the guys they were all standing in a line wide eyed and confused with their arms crossed "is that what happens when a vampire and Sphinx have sex?" Nikki asked Zayn and he laughed "I hope not" I gasped and covered Joshua's ears "don't talk like that around him!" I scolded them "how long were we gone?!" Louis asked "just the day" Harry said simply "soooo wanna explain about the child on your shoulders?" Niall asked and Joshy smiled "hello" he spoke and Nikki awed "I want to keep you!" She said walking up to him and I grabbed all the guys and took them into the kitchen while Harry stayed with Josh "listen I was with Harry at the mall and I saw him and he was by himself and he said his mom had left him in the mall by himself the day earlier meaning that he slept in a shelf! And I used to baby sit him and he's truly an amazing little boy and I couldn't just leave him so we got all his belongings and brought him here because he has no family left and I couldn't just put him in adoption" I spoke quickly and Zayn sighed "I understand and I don't really have a problem with him so far how about you guys?" he asked Louis shrugged "he's okay I mean how is he gonna feel about us being vampires?" he asked and I sighed "we'll tell him when he's old enough" I explained and he nodded "okay I guess I'm okay with it" Niall said and I smiled and we looked at Nikki "of course I would say yes he's so adorable!" she yelled and Liam sighed "I'm okay with it I guess" and I just rolled my eyes "not like I would care if you are" I muttered and left the room to Harry and Josh they were watching Tom and Jerry and I sat with them and all the other guys joined and we all laughed and then I pulled everyone off the couch and we sat in a circle and I shut the T.V off "okay everyone this is Joshua or you can call him Joshy" I said pointing to him and he smiled "now we are each gonna go around the circle and say our names favorite color and favorite super hero" I explained and every one nodded so I started "I'm Lydia, my favorite color is Baby blue, and my favorite hero is either Batman or Spider-Man" and then I pointed to Joshy and he smiled "My name is Joshua my favorite color is red and I like batman" he spoke adorably I pointed to Harry "ayo I'm Harry my favorite color is Green and I like Batman" I pinted to Louis "HEY" he yelled making Joshy jump "I'm Louis I like red and my favorite super hero is SUPER MAAAN" he yelled and Joshua laughed I skipped Liam and pointed to Niall and I heard him whisper "ouch" but I ignored it "herro I'm Niall I like purple and my favorite super hero is Flash" I pointed to Zayn "Vas Happenin im Zayn and I like the color blue and I love iron man" Joshy smiled and I pointed to Nikki lastly "hiii" she said waving to Joshy and he waved back "I'm Nikki my favorite color is pink and I like Wonder Woman" she said Happily we all talked with Joshua until I heard his tummy rummble and I laughed "is someone hungry?" I asked and he nodded I stood up "hmmmm how about we go pick up some... Taco Bell?" I asked and I heard Zayn yell "YASSS" we started laughing and we got in the blue truck outside and drove to the Taco Bell we got back and are until Niall grabbed a blood bag and poured it and Joshua noticed "what is that?" he asked and Niall looked up "huh?" he asked and Joshua repeated his question and Niall just stood there thinking for an answer until I spoke up "Niall is drinking an adult juice that kids can't drink" I said covering up for Niall and Joshy nodded "okay" I snapped my head to Niall a and he smiled taking a sip of the blood and I grabbed everyone's wrappers "okay everyone I think it's time for Joshua to take a bath and then go to sleep" I said and Louis whined "Awe man I don't want him to!!!" and Joshy yawned "but Louis im tiwerd" he spoke cutely "Awwww he's so cute!!!" Nikki smiled and we all laughed I took Joshua's hand and Harry's and we all walked up stairs to take showers when I finished I put on my black boy shorts and a pink tank top and suddenly I was pinned against the wall "I really need to talk to you" it was Liam and I looked him in the eye "I'm going to give you one second to get your hands off of me Liam" I warned him and he let go and sighed "Lydia we need to talk" he repeated himself but I put my hand up to shush him and stayed yes walking away "I don't feel like wasting my breathe" I said and walked into the room and closed the door I saw Joshua and Harry in an intense staring competition and waited for them to end it so I can slip in bed "I need to potty" Joshua spoke and walked out the bathroom I looked at Harry and smiled "you look so adorable with him" I complimented but he scoffed "shouldn't it be the other way around?" he asked and I shrugged "you both are adorable" I said and he pulled me onto the bed and started kissing my neck and lips "but I'm more adorable right?" he whispered into my ear and I gasped "nope" I said rolling away and he just got closer so I rolled off the bed and he pinned me against the wall giving me more kisses "are you sure about that?" he whispered again and I nodded from loss of words "well okay then" he said backing away and I sighed we both laid next to each other I played with his curls and he pecked me repeatedly until Joshua came in "okay let's go to sleep" he said perkily and we all cuddled together until I heard Joshua's faint whisper "good night mom good night dad" and I turned to Harry and he just smiled and we both spoke in unison "good night Joshua" and with that he was asleep and then so was i.


So I hoped you liked it uhm have a nice day... I won't be posting as often because I have school and it's really stressful for me right now so I'm sorry but I promise I'll update as soon as I can!! ily💕

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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