Chapter 4

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Nikki's P.O.V

I woke up to hear groaning? what the fuck?! I stook my head out the door to hear closely. the groaning came from Lydia's room so I walked in slowly "Lyd are you okay?" she had a pillow over her head the blinds were up and it was bright in the room that's when I heard her whisper quietly "it's too bright and you talk to loud" I stopped and furrowed my eyebrows in thought and that's when I knew "someone has a hangover don't they?" I whispered and she nodded "why were you drinking booze without me? you know better" I closed the blinds and she removed the pillow from her face and she squinted trying to see how I look "sorry Nikki" she slammed her hand on her head "ouchies my head" I laughed at her pain "Hey Lyd how about I make you some tea with my special hangover ingredients and an Advil huh?" she sighed "one Advil isn't enough I think I'm better of with ten" I laughed again and went down stairs into the kitchen and saw Niall "aye what are you doing up at this time?" I asked, he stared at me in confusion "what?" he asked "it's noon and you always sleep till atleast two" he chuckled "I'm hungry that's why" he answered me and grabbed a blood pack I cringed "nasty" I said mostly to myself he scoffed "and what are you doing down here?" he asked moodily man Harry was right he's not a morning person "I'm making my special hangover tea for Lydia" he put his I'm confused face on and stared at me "what?" I asked feeling uncomfortable "what makes your hangover tea so special?" he asked sincerely "well I add household ingredients that would help relieve a headache and if you drink it with Advil your hangover suddenly evaporates within 10 minutes" his eyes popped out of his head "I needed that tea about 4 weeks ago!" he exclaimed and I laughed and set the kettle up Niall and I talked for a while more until it was time for me to put the ingredients and he just watched me intently so before I grabbed the first thing I smirked at Niall and pointed at the door at first he was confused but then got the memo "NO I wanna see the magic that'll help me in the future!" he whined "nuh uh Niall it's a secret 'formula' that I invented plus I'll be here forever anyways so I'll make it for you the next time you have a hangover" I replied he looked at me with puppy dog eyes and I rolled my eyes in response he smiled "eww Niall you have blood on your teeth go brush them!" he huffed and walked out the kitchen soon I finished the tea and found the medicine cabinet and grabbed two advils and put them on the tiny plate that the tea cup was on and walked up the stairs I opened Lyds door to see Liam laying next to her and playing with her hair relaxing her I smiled at him and sat at the edge of the bed "okay Lyd here's the tea and Advils" she opened one eye to look at me and she smiled "thanks Nikki I don't know what I'd do without you" I smiled and patted her leg and left the room. I was bored so I stared walking down the stairs but skipping two steps every time but at the last step I tripped and braved myself for the fall but I felt someone catch me by my waist I opened my eyes to see Zayn I smiled and he smiled back "close one eh?" he spoke in his smooth and slick voice I laughed nervously and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled up at Zayn, he chuckled "what's so funny?" I asked he smiled at me "you look cute when you blush" I felt the heat rise to my cheeks again. Zayn then held my hand and took me to the living room we laid on the couch and watched T.V after a while Zayn looked down at me and yawned "I wanna take a nap" he said quietly so I stood up and slid my way behind him so that he was laying on me his head was on my chest and I started playing with his hair and he giggled "keep playing with my hair it feels good" I bursted into laughter and he laughed with me he pulled one hand that Was playing with his hair and he intwined our fingers and started rubbing circles with his thumb and soon we both fell asleep.

Lydia's P.O.V

After recovering from my hangover I cuddled with Liam for a little till I decided that I was hungry so I stood up leaving Liam in my room for two minutes so I can grab a snack when I walked into the kitchen I saw Niall he was drinking blood "gross" I said he snapped his head torwards me "shut up you're just like Nichole" I laughed because she seems like someone to make a remark on Niall for drinking blood I sighed "I'm bored of staying in the house all day everyday" he chuckled "I want to go to the beach" he said and I stared at him "why are you staring at me?" he asked "you go to the beach at night time?" I asked he scrunched his face up "NO what the fuck gave you that idea?" i smirked knowing it was time to annoy him "don't you burn in sunlight?" he frowned "no we don't" "so do you sparkle?" "NO IM NOT EDWARD CULLIN" I gasped "YOU MELT I THOUGHT ONLY THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST MELTED BUT VAMPIRES THEY MELT IN SUNLIGHT!" I exclaimed he turned pink "Lydia" he said quietly "yeah Niall" he sighed "Shh for a while just shut up" he said pinching the bridge of his nose and walking out the door mission annoy Niall accomplished. I grabbed a granola bar and ate it and made my way upstairs to Liam I walked in and smiled "you're gonna hate me" I said to him he looked confused "and why is that?" He asked "cause I'm gonna take a shower" he sighed "well wear a pair of shorts like that when you get out" he said pointing to my pajama shorts I scrunched my eyebrows "why?" I asked "cause I can see your butt better in them" he said winking at me and I turned pink so I grabbed my shorts from Hollister that were blue and red plaid printed and my black tank top I grabbed my black moccasins and rushed to the bathroom to shower when I came out I put my hair in a ponytail and walked into my room Liam was in my bed looking as comfortable as ever so when I walked in I went straight for the bed but then he stopped me "before you get in spin around" I looked confused "why?" he smirked "so I can have a look at your butt" I rolled my eyes and hopped in bed and we talked for a little and then he stopped and just stared into my eyes and smiled but I didn't feel uncomfortable I melted within his stare and he twiddled with my hair "did I ever tell you how mesmerizing your eyes are?" Liam asked me and I couldn't say a word just hypnotized by our stare he leaned in slowly torwards me oh my he's going to kiss me I prepared myself and he held my face in his hands we were inches away until "Liam the lads and I are going to the pub wanna join?" Harry yelled making his way to the door and we parted just in time when he opened the door Liam coughed "hey Hazza yeah I'm kinda tired so I'll stay back" Harry shrugged and walked away "wait Harry!" he came back "yeah Lyd?" "is Nikki going?" he nodded his head "yep she is" I sighed "you changed your mind Lyd?" Liam asked i shook my head "nah I'm too tired" he smiled and Harry smirked "what?" I asked "you two better not do anything nasty!" he said and I laughed as he walked away. I heard the car drive away and I got up from bed and Liam groaned "what now?" I just walked out if the room and he followed and I went across the hall and into the bathroom he stopped and laughed "you could have told me you were gonna pee" I laughed and closed the door on him and did my business I washed my hands and came out and walked to my room Liam was on my bed shirtless and in his boxers and I just stared at him he was toned and built and amazingly sexy he smirked "come here" he said I blinked a couple times and went to lay next to him and he yawned "I'm tired" I smiled and laid my head on the pillow he laid horizontally on the bed with his head on my stomach and held my hand and I caressed his hand that's what I would do to the kids I used to babysit whenever they had trouble sleeping and it worked and it was working now after about five minutes I heard Liam's soft breathing and his eyes were closed while his mouth was slightly parted I smiled he looked so peaceful I tried to take my hand away but he clenched it not letting go of it so I laid with him for hours but I wasn't tired " he finally let go and I placed a pillow under his head and covering his body with a blanket and snook downstairs and I opened the door to a room a room filled with instruments and I was drawn to the large grand piano I sat at it and touched the keys and the wonderful sound of the notes rang through my ears so I sat at the seat and started playing one of my most favorite songs 'Sad Song by, We The Kings' I was startled when Liam came out of nowhere and sang the lyrics (if you want an idea of how they sounded just look up the song.)

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