The Watch

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Your POV

You slowly begin to wake up. You're very comfortable where you are, so you really don't want to move. The blankets are warm and the pillow is soft  You sigh and open your eyes reluctantly.

The fire’s embers are glowing a soft orange. The cave is much darker than it was before, only being lit by the embers and a small lantern hanging from the ceiling. All but one of the cots are occupied. Kai, Lloyd, Jay, and Zane are asleep, but you can tell they're still restless. They toss and turn unexpectedly, and they flinch at sudden noises. You wonder if they normally do that, or if it's because of the situation at hand. You figure Cole is awake somewhere, having his turn to take watch.

You roll over and sigh. You try to fall back asleep, but you're less exhausted now, so you just feel stressed. You're heart is pounding and you aren't breathing evenly. Your hands and feet are twitching. You're scared by the endless possibilities of what could happen. You could die, the Ninja could die, Damien could kidnap you again, you could be stuck in this dreary realm all of your life, among other possibilities. You believe that there are an infinite amount of possibilities and that the ones that become reality are the makings of choices of yourself and others, and you're scared someone will make the wrong choice.

After a few moments of trying in vain to sleep, you quietly sit up. You stand up and swiftly put your shoes on. You wrap one of the blankets around you and go toward the exit of the cave. Yes, it is dangerous, but you need a change of scenery to distract you.

You silently stroll to the exit of the cave. Near the exit, Cole is leaning against the wall and examining the horizon. You walk quietly behind him and look to see what he sees. It's not much, just a dark and dreary night in this dark and dreary realm.

Not knowing what to do, you decide to start a conversation. “Hi?” you say, making it sound more like a question than a statement.

Cole spins around in surprise. When he sees you, he visibly relaxes. “Oh, it's just you! You gave me a heart attack, y/n!”

“Sorry,” you say sincerely. You didn't mean to scare him. “I can't sleep. Thought I'd join you. Are you cool with that?”

“Yeah! Of course!” Cole says. He sits down and gestures for you to do the same. You sit cross-legged next to Cole with your blanket covering you. Your back is leaning against the cold wall of the cave.

Cole glances at the horizon. After seeing nothing, he turns to you. “You good?” Realizing what he said, he shook his head. “That's a stupid question.”

You smile softly. “Um, it's not. But I don't really have an answer.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don't really know what to think right now. I mean, I'm in some other realm, I was kidnapped by some evil guy, and said evil guy keeps claiming that I'm the key to his plan or whatever, and he killed Roy six months ago,” you explain. “It's a lot of really bad things to take in.”

“I get that. I've had to deal with a crap ton of crazy in my life.”

You giggle a tiny bit. “I bet.”

“We're gonna protect you though, y/n. We won't let Damien hurt you again.”

“I hope so.” You sigh. You came here to escape the feeling of stress, not feel it even more.

“Hey, uh, we were talking about what we should do, and I don't know when you fell asleep, so I'll give you the rundown,” Cole says. “So, we're all going to be with you here until you recover a bit more. After that, I guess we'll start working on how to get out of here and how to stop Damien. If you  want to stay here, y/n, we'll have at least one of us here with you.“

“Um, okay, thanks,” you say, grateful that the Ninja are planning the entirety of their plan around you.

“It's nothing, y/n,” Cole says, even though you are certain this is more of a something than a nothing. He looks you straight in the eye. His eyes show a deep sense of despair. You wonder why the black ninja is depressed. “I'm sorry.” The words are quiet, barely audible.

You know what he's talking about. Roy. Damien. This realm. The abduction. All of it. “Look, I'm a ninja; I'm supposed to protect people. But I let Damien kill Roy and I let him get you. I-I’m just saying, I, I'm sorry about it all,” Cole continues.

Your face reddens slightly. You didn't mean to make the Ninja so full of guilt. “It wasn't your fault, Cole. You can't win all of the battles.”

“Since when were you rattling off proverbs like a sensei?” Cole asks in mock curiosity.

You lightly elbow him. “Shut up!”

“Of course, Master Shifu.” You elbow Cole again, slightly harder. He laughs as you do so. “We might wanna think about teaching you how to hit a guy, y'know, just in case.”

“Roy once tried, but it didn't work out very well, so good luck,” you warn Cole.

“Oh, challenge accepted!“ Cole says.

You yawn. “Maybe later,” you say as you may your head in Cole's lap. As you lay there, he strokes your h/l h/c gently and consistently.

“We'll see,” Cole says playfully. He continues to stroke your hair. You close your eyes and feel nothing except for Cole's muscular thighs and his hand striking your hair as you fall asleep on the rocky floor of the cave.


Cole's POV

I sit here for the longest time, stroking y/n's luscious h/c locks as her breathing patterns change and she falls into a deep slumber. Even after she's asleep, I sit there, stroking her hair and calming both of us.

When it's time to switch jobs, I pick up y/n bride style and carry her back to her cot. I take her shoes off and put the blankets back on.

“G'night,” I whisper to her sleeping body.

I walk to the right and shake and sleeping body of Jay. “Get up, Jay!”

Jay shoots up. “I'm up!” He quickly jumps up and goes to his position.

I go to my own cot and lay there for the longest time before I fell asleep, pondering the experience I have just had.

I'm back! Thanks for understanding why I haven't published for a while, I'll be on schedule with the other books.

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