Chapter 2 ~ Classes and Hagrid

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(Y/n)'s POV

I let out a breath looking at myself. It was weird seeing myself in robes. Plus like other students I was given a Slytherin colored tie to go along with the outfit. I had read a little of Slytherin and wondered why I was here. Was it just because it was too hard to decide a house for me?

I brush some of my (h/c) hair out of my face then looks at the wand I was holding. It was strange just being here. It was also scary, but I can't let my fears get the best of my education. Maybe I won't make friends but I might just make friends.

I try to give myself some confidence in my mind, before going to the common room. I took a glance around at everyone. Everyone had their small little friend groups and I just stood... alone. I guess some things don't change.

When the first bell we dismissed to our classes. I had potions so I was thankfully able to find it and get in before the bell rang again. I just took a seat in the back, since there was no other spaces for me at other tables because of everyone's friend groups.

Soon the professor started talking. He talked of potions. And how to make them. I jotted down notes. We soon gather around him and watch, I take small notes, eyes not going off what he's doing.

I felt like a computer. Slowly updating. My brain will buffer when I can't figure things out but working effortlessly after figuring things out. After he made what I'd say looks like a perfect potion, though I honestly haven't seen or made one before, we were sent back to our seats to try it out on our own.

I saw one of the Slytherin's messing with someone else's cauldron. I pass it off as he was just helping with the person's potion and focus on mine. A small exploding noise ran throughout the room, causing me to tense and gasp in shock as I looked up and see the potion had exploded. The teacher came over to their table pissed.

"Maybe if you had been paying attention James, your potion wouldn't have exploded." He growled at the boy he called James. The Slytherin just sat there smirking at the Gryffindor boy.

"Ashton messed with my potion though!" James complained to the teacher. The teacher scowled.

"Now your blaming another student for your mistakes. 10 points from Gryffindor." Some kids growled at the boy. If only I could get myself to speak up. I'd just look like a fish out of water if I tried to speak up. So I kept it to myself. After a few minutes of scolding and argument, the teacher went around checking everyone's.

When he got to mine I tensed. I was new at this so I didn't know if I had done it right or not. But I followed what I took note of and saw. The notes were out next to the cauldron along with the remaining ingredients. He looked at the potion, me and the notes with a raised brow.

"Correct ingredients... stirred well... practically a perfect potion. Good job Ms. (L/n)." He then walked away, I couldn't help but smile slightly. I did it correctly. I give a quiet sigh of relief. I follow others actions and clean up, as well as packing, knowing the bell was soon to go off. When the bell rang everyone was in a rush out, I was about to leave but...

"Ms. (L/n). I believe you're forgetting something." I flinched, not expecting his voice. I look at him then realized he has my journal.

"O-oh... thank you..." I take it from him. He nods and headed back to his desk. I leave to my next class.

•~Time Skip~•

Since I had no more class periods I went walking around. I soon found myself outside, some students were chatting, even some professors were walking around. I spotted a big guy I've been told his name is Hagrid. I walked over, he appeared to be looking for something on the ground.

"P-pardon...? But have you lost something...?" I interrupt his search. He shook his head and scratched the back of it.

"No, not exactly. Some students saw a cobra and they're afraid that it was sent out by a student and that it's going to harm someone." He explained. I smile slightly.

"C-can I help look?" I ask, I loved snakes... well... all animals. He raised a brow at me, he looked surprised.

"You want to help me? Most of the students are to scared to even look at a snake." He said. I nodded.

"I love animals. And snakes fall under that list...! I've seen a cobra before, I'd gather money over the month then get a ticket to visit the zoo. I even volunteered once to help out. Basically a free ticket in. A-actually. Wouldn't a Slytherin be fine with looking for it? Their creature is basically a snake." I knew I was rambling but he didn't seem to mind.

"No, most of the Slytherin's are cowards. You may help, since your closer to the ground it might be useful." He joked with a chuckle, I giggled and started to help him look around. My eyes scan the ground and I soon spotted some snake skin and carefully grab the snake by the tail.

I spoke to it. Calming it down as it flailed wildly. Soon it calmed down and looked at me. It spoke back to me and I spoke back to it. When it was calm, it wrapped around my arm to rest. I go to Hagrid with the cobra.

"I found him. He's just a snake from the woods. He said he found his way around after muggles threw out a bunch of cobras." I pet him gently, I look at Hagrid who looked impressed.

"Ask him where he was dropped off?" I nod to his request and spoke to the snake, it told me the answer and I look at Hagrid.

"He said he was dropped off at the other end of the forest." Hagrid looked at me mouth ajar. I tense slightly thinking I was in trouble.

"You can speak Parseltongue?" His voice was in pure amazement. I blinked slightly confused.

"What do you mean? I can talk to all animals... I-I know it's not normal..." I felt embarrassed and rubbed my arm awkwardly. He shook his head.

"No no no, this is an amazing thing. Anyway, you should drop him back off. I'll tell everyone that it was a false alarm. You should go back to your dormitory. Dinner in the Great Hall is soon." He shooed me off and left. I dropped the snake off and head back to my dormitory.

The professors sent me some strange looks. Of course that made me think I was in trouble, so I just kept my head down. On my way to the my dormitory I see Dumbledore. He walked up to me. He smiled at me and waved for me to follow him.

"Come come. Take a walk with me." I nodded and walked with him. He took a few glances at me while we walked. We stayed quiet for the first few minutes before he spoke.

"Hagrid has told me that you can speak in the Parseltongue language. You also told him you can speak to all animals." I nod and started thinking I was in trouble again.

"Word gets around quickly here. So don't be too startled when students swarm and question you. Anyway, you may go to your dormitory now, I must go." And with that, he left, and I finally got to my dormitory.

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