Chapter 14 ~ Hanging Out With Hagrid

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(Y/n)'s POV

Today was thankfully better than the previous day. Snape apologized for wrongful punishment (which he said he tried to say last night), I impressed Madam Hooch with my "perfect" flying, and I talked to Dumbledore after lunch.

Now all I had to do is hang out with Hagrid.

First, I'll have to find him. He said he'd be at his small cabin thingy, but I had no idea where that was (but only because I hadn't been there in a while), so I walked around looking.

I made my way outside and saw a bunch of students hanging out. I felt like the odd one out being alone. I was starting to contemplate if I should just go back to my room. I shook my head to that idea and smiled to myself.

I need to learn to be more comfortable in this place, or at least just not feel awkward when I'm by myself. Now thinking of it, the loneliness built up, but was quick to disappear when I heard a familiar voice call to me.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Following the voice, I spotted Chris with his girlfriend. I smiled and quickly went over, glad that I wasn't alone anymore. "What are you doing out here?"

"Yeah, I thought you said you were busy today!" Erin pouted at me, making me smile softly. I brush my fingers through my hair out of habit and answer.

"W-Well I'm supposed to be hanging out with Hagrid, but I don't remember where h-his little cabin is." I say with an awkward forced giggle, followed by a sigh. Chris then smirked.

"I'll tell you if you answer my riddle." He hummed, Erin giggled at him.

"Babe! You can't do that~" She pulled at his robe gently. They were really cute together... I look between them then respond to them.

"No it's alright, I-I like a good riddle..." I say shyly, a feeling of joy and excitement running through me.

"Alright. I follow you all the time and copy your every move, but you can't touch me or catch me. What am I?" He asked, I think. A part of me wanted to say the person who's seemingly been watching me, but it wouldn't have matched with copying me.

I knew the answer was pretty obvious, but it kind of just made me think. I shook my head to myself and look up at him.

"My shadow." He nods and I smile. I felt content and wait for his directions. He motions to the right.

"That's the way to his hut. I'll see you later, (Y/n)." I nod to him and thank him. I say goodbye to him and Erin then make my way over to Hagrid's hut. I see the small thing for the big guy in the distance and feel excited.

I walked a little faster to get over there. I was almost there when I was stopped. Calling me was Dumbledore. I couldn't just ignore him, so I head over.

"Sorry Hagrid..." I mumble as I make my way over to the long grey bearded man.

"Good afternoon Ms. (L/n)." I smiled at the older gentleman and nod. I replied the same. He smiled. "You seem well. At least, now you do. Yesterday was rough, wasn't it?"

I frowned. I didn't want to think of it, but I knew I couldn't escape the past. Nodding, I look at my feet, then to my hands as I twiddled my thumbs.

"You seem to get hurt a lot however. Though, with that curse comes a gift. I'm sure you'll see better days." I smiled at his reassuring tone. I thank him for his kind words with a nod. "Well, you better head off. I'm sure you've kept Hagrid waiting long enough!" He let out a hearty chuckle with his worn vocals.

"Thank you, headmaster...!" I say as I trot off to hurry back onto my course. His hut gets taller as I get closer.

Excitement flows through my veins and pumping heart as I arrive at the front door of Hagrid's home. I knock gently, then a little louder. The door opens and there's the giant friendly fellow.

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