Chapter 4

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Jisung looked up at the voice, he couldn't see who it was because his long drained hair was in front of his eyes.

Two strong arms picked him up and carried him. He could finally see who it was, he knew he should probably protest against this but he felt too weak. The strong arms put him in a car.

Minho looked at Jisung. ''M-minho hyung'' Jisung said softly, while shaking of the cold. Minho got a warm feeling inside when he heard Jisung say his name.

He took off his hoodie and gave it to Jisung. But Jisung shook his head. ''You keep it, y-you need it as well'' he said while still shaking.

Minho wouldn't take no for an answer so shoved his hoodie over Jisungs head. Jisung put his arms through the sleeves, Minho's hoodie was a little too big for Jisung but it was very warm and comfortable. Minho was wearing a tank top, which showed how muscular his arms were.

Minho started driving towards his appartment, he felt the urge to take care of Jisung. While they were driving Minho asked him what happened. Jisung looked at him with wide eyes, thought for a second and said it was nothing.

"Jisung, you're covered in bruises, your lip is bleeding and you were sitting in the pouring rain. Now tell me what happened.''

Jisung started telling everything that happened. When Minho heard the girls name his grip on the stirring wheel tightend and his expression got dark. She hurt our toy, now hurt her.

"I'm so sorry Jisung.'' The younger looked at him, and shook his head. ''It's not your fault, hyung.'' Minho held Jisungs hand for the rest of the car ride.

Minho carried Jisung to his appartment and put him in his bed. He tucked him in and made him hot chocolate milk. The younger giggled at how caring Minho suddenly was.

It took him a while to realise he was in Minho's appartment. Felix told him to stay away from Minho, yet here he was. He knew he couldn't leave, he didn't want to leave.

Minho owned a kingsize bed, so lied down next to Jisung. He put on a movie and secretly chose horror. Jisung got scared and snuggled up against Minho, who held his arm around him.

Jisung fell asleep in Minho's arms. Minho watched him, he looked cute and innocent when he was asleep. He noticed the hickey in Jisungs neck and felt bad for doing it.

Marking what belongs to you isn't bad. He knew that if he had not done it, nothing of this would've happened. Eventually Minho also fell asleep.

''Do you think they might be-?'' a voice whispered. ''Don't be so stupid Felix, ofcourse not. At least not Minho'' another voice whispered back.

Minho groaned as he woke up from the two voices. He opened his eyes to see Changbin and Felix standing in his door opening. He was about to get mad but noticed that Jisung was still sleeping peacefully on his chest. He gave the two boys a death glare and mouthed ''you're dead.'' They both left the room quickly.

Minho looked at his alarm clock, it was 7:15 am. He should get ready for school. He looked at Jisung, who was still sleeping.

He started whispering his name which made Jisung wake up. He noticed that he was laying on Minho's chest and got up in less than a second.

He stood up and started bowing ''sorry hyung, sorry hyung, sorry hyung'' he kept saying. Minho giggled at the scene in front of him. ''Don't worry Jisungie it's fine'' he reassured the boy.

Minho gave Jisung one of his hoodies, saying Jisungs clothes were still wet from yesterday. They weren't, but Minho thought Jisung looked very cute in his hoodies. At their school they luckily didn't have to wear uniforms.

After they both got ready they went downstairs, to see Changbin and Felix having breakfast. Felix looked at Jisung and took him into an other room.

"Ji, we have to talk'' he said in a serious tone. Jisung just nodded. ''I told you that you shouldn't hang out with Minho hyung. He gave you that hickey right? Why were you in his room?"

Jisung looked at him with big eyes. He wasn't going to tell him the truth. ''It isn't a hickey, it's a bruise I got yesterday after I fell'' he lied, he continued ''and I was here because I lost my keys and Minho found me in the rain, he said I could stay over.'' Felix nodded slowly while walking back to the kitchen. Jisung followed him.

''Jisung, what do you want for breakfast?'' Minho asked. The younger looked up at Minho and said he didn't want anything. Jisung was never someone who enjoyed breakfast. He looked at his phone, realising they were going to be late if they didn't hurry.

''Hyung, we should go'' he said softly, grabbing Minho's arm. Minho nodded and walked to his car. While they were in the car there was a silence, but not an uncomfortable one.

Jisung was the first one to break the silence. ''Hyung, thank you for taking care of me tonight'' he said with a big thankfull smile on his face. Minho smiled at this sight. ''You can come by more often if you want to.'' Jisung nodded excited.


Felix took Minho apart during lunch. He didn't want Minho to play with his friends feelings. He knew that Jisung was gay, he was the only one that knew.

Seeing how Minho played with him made him upset. Jisung deserved a loving and caring boyfriend. Minho has dated so many girls, there is not even a chance he is gay.

''Minho hyung, what are you planning on doing with Jisung'' Felix asked sternly. Minho looked up at the ceiling for a few seconds and then looked back at Felix.

He shrugged his shoulders. "As far as I know I haven't done anything bad to him, and it's none of your concern.'' He walked back to the cafeteria. Back to his Jisungie.

They were all seated. Jisung was once again enjoying a piece of cheesecake. It made Minho happy when he saw Jisung enjoy his food.

Hyunjin came to the table while holding hands with Jeongin. ''Guys, we're throwing a part at my house tomorrow evening, there will be alcohol ofcourse. Please come.'' Everyone nodded. The bell rang and everyone went to their class.

Later that night, Jisung was placed into a groupchat with unknown people.


I hope you're enjoying this story ^_^

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