Chapter 11

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''Hyung, my parents are coming over.''


Jisung started to stress out, he knew his parents weren't open minded enough for him to be gay. His parents were always very strict, and never let him get too close with boys. They have always wanted him to marry a certain girl, so his parents company and her parents company could work together and be even more succesfull.

Minho noticed how stressed the boy suddenly became he pulled him closer. ''What's wrong Ji?'' He asked while wrapping his arms around him.

''Well, my parents are kind of homophobic'' he said softly, while burrying his face in Minho's chest. Minho softly took a hold of Jisung's chin, and made him look up to him. ''I'm sure it's going to be alright, we can get through this.'' Jisung nodded slowly, obviously still very worried about his parents coming over.


The next day Jisung had to stay at his appartment, while the other had to go to school. Minho wanted to skip classes to stay with Jisung and help him face his parents, but the squirrel like boy insisted that he went to class.

It was around 12-ish and Jisung had made lunch, not only for him but also for his parents who would arrive any minute. He was very nervous, but he knew he couldn't escape this event. Right when he was done with preparing lunch, the doorbell rang. He walked up to the door, his heart racing and his body full of nerves.

He opened the door and looked at his parents. ''H-hi mom and dad'' he said, right before he was pulled in a quick hug. ''Hey Jisung'' his mother smiled, ''it smells lovely.'' His dad hasn't said anything to him yet, he was never interested in him. Both his parents walked in.

''I-I made you ramen, I thought you'd probably be hungry.'' His mother smiled at him while nodding, his dad still not giving him a look. Jisung got three bowls of food and put it down on the table.

''Ji, we've come here with a reason'' his mother started. Jisung looked up at her, still eating his ramen. ''You've recently turned 18, which means you're ready to get a partner.'' He stopped eating, he knew his parents wanted him to marry a specific girl, but he refused. ''B-but'' Jisung started, but was cut off by his dad.

''Jisung we're sure you'll be happy in a relationship with the girl we chose, and it would be very good for our company'' his dad said sternly. Jisung always felt intimitaded by the way his father spoke.

''B-but, I'm already in a relationship'' Jisung said quickly, knowing he'd get in trouble.

"Can we meet her?'' Jisung's eyes widened, he started to panick. It's not a girl, how am I going to tell them it's Minho. How am I going to tell them I'm gay. He thought to himself.

''Jisung, are you okay?'' His mother asked, obviously concerned about the boy. Jisung snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her. ''Well, I- uhm-'' he was struggling with his words. His dad wasn't in the mood for this, ''Jisung, tell your mother what's wrong!''

''It's not a her, it's a him'' Jisung mumbled, looking down. His mother gasped and his father jumped up. ''No son of mine is gay, you're just confused. You will marry the girl, and I don't care what you think about it!'' (A/N I feel horrible making homophobic people appear omg)

And with that, his dad left his appartment, with his mom following him. He knew he wouldn't recieve a good reaction, but still being forced to marry a girl? He at least would've hoped his mother wouldn't agree on it, but would just accept him.

He sat down on the floor, silently sobbing. He didn't ask for this, he never did anything wrong as a child. He knew he had to take over the company, and he never complained about it.

But for a fact, he never wanted to step in his dads footprints. He wants to become a rapper, it's his passion. And ever worst, he couldn't picture a life with a girl, a life without his Minho.

Someone knocked on the door, which was still opened. ''Jisung?'' A concerned voice asked softly. Jisung ignored it, he was bussy with his own thoughts.

Someone sat next to him, embracing him. He could feel it was Minho, and held him tight. He didn't want to ever let him go.

''I'm a d-disspointment to my p-parents'' Jisung said, while still sobbing. Minho was stroking through Jisungs hair, he didn't like the fact his boyfriend felt this way. ''You're not a dissapointment, Ji.''

Minho cupped Jisungs face while looking him in the eyes. ''You're an amazing and brave person. You are so smart and kind and there's nothing wrong with you! You're not a dissapointment, so please don't ever think that.''

Jisung looked at him and nodded slowly. He told Minho everything that happened, including the fact he had to marry someone he didn't know. Minho was shocked at the fact they were going to force him to marry someone, knowing it wouldn't make him happy.

Minho hugged him tightly. ''I won't let them take you away from me. You're mine, and I won't let them tear us apart.'' The elder said, calming the boy down.

He didn't know how he'd fix it, but he had to. Without Jisung he felt empty, as if the world had no meaning anymore.

''My parents will be back tomorrow, maybe I can convince them if they meet you. Maybe if they see that we're happy they'll let us be'' Jisung suggested to Minho, worried that it wouldn't work. He knew there was a very small chance it'd work, his parents we're homophobic but he could at least try it, right?

Minho agreed on the idea, he was nervous to meet Jisung's parents. He stood up, and pulled Jisung with him. ''It's not good to stay sad the whole day! I'm going to take you out, so you can have some distraction.'' Minho said while taking Jisung out of his appartment.


Okay so I'm sorry if this chapter is a little boring, but the next one will be about their 'date' and the meeting between Minho and Jisungs parents, so be prepared for that!!

Please give my friend ArtificialMilk a follow :) she helped me with the idea and she's writing her own story currently.

Also I wanted to thank you all for 3K reads, it really means a lot! ❣️

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