Chapter 19

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(This is the last chapter before the epilogue)
Jisung woke up to Minho staring at him, the elder smiled softly at him. "Morning baby" he smirked with a raspy voice, causing Jisung to blush.

"Stay here, I'm going to get you something!" Minho quickly jumped up and left the room, leaving a dumbfounded sleepy Jisung behind.

After a few minutes Minho came back into the room, holding a tray. Jisung looked at it with big eyes, inspecting the tray.

Minho grinned at the squirrel boy in front of him. He pointed at everything while naming it; "croissants, a boiled egg, some toast, strawberry milk, and cheesecake."

He put it down on Jisung's lap and sat next to him, enjoying how happy the boy had gotten because of it. Jisung took a bit of cheesecake and practically pushed it in Minho's mouth.

The two were enjoying their food when Minho suddenly jumped up. Jisung was shocked by his sudden movement and screamed scared. Minho grinned at his easily scared boyfriend.


"Hyung, where are you taking me? Hyung, hyung, hyung, where are you taking me hyung?" Jisung was poking Minho with every 'hyung' but Minho was trying his best to ignore it.

"If you don't answer me, I'll call the police and told them a scary dude put me in his car!"

Minho giggled at Jisung's behaviour and gave him a pat on his head. He wasn't planning on telling him where they were going, he wanted to keep it a secret. Minho was slowly starting to regret feeding his boyfriend cheesecake, which was filled with sugar.

___________the drive was 2 hours k____

"Can I open my eyes, hyung?" Jisung was starting to lose his patience, he was too curious for suprises. Minho suddenly pecked Jisung on his lips, causing him to open his eyes widely.

He was in the park, the park where he always walked with Minho. In front of him was a picknick blanket with a basket on it. Jisung looked at it with big excited eyes, his mouth slightly opened.

"Do you, do you like it Ji?" Minho asked nervous after Jisung stayed silent. Jisung slowly nodded and turned around to face Minho again, he hugged the elder tightly.

"I love it, hyung!" He quickly pecked the elder on his lips and sat down. Minho took place next to him and started getting food out of the basket. It was filled with things Jisung loved.

"Hyung, you're the best boyfriend ever! I love you!" Jisung hugged the elder, causing him to blush for once. Minho hugged him back. "I love you too my squirrel."

They were having fun together; eating, talking, kissing and hugging. They got a few judging faces from people but they were too in love with each other to care about it.
Jisung was feeling amazing, he finally felt loved. When he was with Minho, he'd forget his bad past, his boyfriend was the only thing he payed attention to. Minho's laugh made Jisung forget about everything around him, it was the best sound ever to him. He found the man he'd want to spend the rest of his life with.

And as for Minho? He loved Jisung with his whole heart, he couldn't think of a life without him anymore. In his eyes, Jisung was a perfect little squirrel that deserved the world. He loved how happy he got over small things, like cheesecake or snuggling while watching a film.
It was getting darker, and colder. Minho noticed how Jisung was getting colder, so he took off his hoodie.

"Here, take it." At first Jisung shook his head, not wanting Minho to be cold, but after a while he gave in and wore it. Minho loved it when Jisung wore his clothes, they were too big for him and he looked adorable in them.

Minho looked at his phone to see what time it was. He stood up, Jisung followed his movement. He looked confused at the elder boy, not knowing where they'd go.

Minho wanted to go when Jisung stopped him. "Don't we have to clean this up first?" Minho shook his head, he had planned everything out. "Hyunjin will do it, don't worry."

He took a grip of Jisung's wrist and lead him to his car. Once again Jisung didn't know where they were going, but this time he didn't complain. He felt thankfull towards his loving boyfriend.

_____after like half an hour drive______

Jisung's eyes were once again closed, this time by Minho's hands. He was walking behind him, guiding every step he took to make sure nothing bad would happen to him.

Minho slowly pulled away his hands, making Jisung gain back his sight. He was quickly used to the light and was staring at the view in front of him. His mouth was slightly opened, causing Minho to chuckle.

Right in front of him was a beautiful beach, with clear blue water. The sky was full off pretty colors; yellow, pink, even orange was there. The sun was slowly lowering, leaving an amazing sky behind.

Minho wrapped his arms around Jisung's waist from behind. Jisung felt a wave of warmth going through his body, feeling comfortable and loved with the elders thouch.

Minho slowly let go of Jisung's waist and made turned him around, so they were facing each other. He got on a knee, once again, and pulled a small red box out of his pocket.

"Han Jisung, my amazing squirrel, will you take this promise ring and will you stay with me forever?"

"YES!" Jisung shouted happily while junping on his boyfriend, causing him to fall. They were cuddling with each other while sitting in the white beach sand for the rest of the night.

The end
Okay so there will still be an epilogue, and that'll probably be posted right after this one just cuz I don't wanna make you all wait. (God I'm nice)
Thank you all for 29K reads, I will make a proper thank you message!1!

Untill we meet again

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