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His pounding got louder and louder, The door shook with every hit. I thought Richard was going to come through the solid oak door. My heart went to my stomach. "Arabella."
"Arabella." He roared. "Arabella! Are you ready yet or what?"

I opened the door slightly to see the beast standing there in the doorway of my private bed chamber.

"What?" I asked in confusion. "What Richard? What is it that you want?"

He stood there all 6'2 muscular frame, handsome man, with long coal black hair and stone cold blue eyes that were looking angrily down at me.

"You were to be ready and waiting in the parlor two hours ago, now we are going to be late and again it's all your fault!" He hissed. "What took you so long? Oh let me guess, you were talking with the maid Jenna. It's always Jenna."

I hated it whenever he talked to me like that, like I don't have feelings. Without thinking I blurted. "That is quite enough Richard!"

With that being said, he turned on his heels, as I followed him down the cold lone dark halls of the castle we once called home.

"I hate it here." I whispered. I truly did, he was always yelling at me. "What? What did you say Arabella?" He snapped.
" I wasn't talking to you."
" well you had better start! We are having guests over tonight, that think we are a very happily married couple. That are madly in love with each other."

I started to get annoyed at this, why should I act so fake around people? Because he wants me to?
"Oh, you are right about one of us being mad."
  Suddenly without warning he grabbed me and slammed me up against the door frame, and with his hot breath that smelled of rum was spitting in my face, His hands were locked around my neck. He was choking me!

" you are going to play your part, you are going to do this right, even if it kills you." He whispered, smirking.
I tried to pull away but his hold was just so strong. I thought he was going to kill me, right here and now!

"Okay. Okay Richard." Was all I could get out.
We walked on, and unfortunately for me he kept blabbering.

"There's a beautiful sunset, you should be very happy that I am letting you see your baby sister; and we both know how you can't wait to see my brother Charles." He growled.
"And throw yourself at him or at his feet, his words captivate you. Well, be captivated Arabella! It should be a very good night for you, and you will get drunk and smell of rum." He continued.

Man he was annoying sometimes!
It was a very bitter cold October evening, and I wore Richard's favorite light blue gown he had made for me, very formfitting. The sleeves were short and the neckline was off of the shoulder. I didn't mind very much, I thought I looked amazing, I felt beautiful.


The boat rocked back-and-forth among the waves, it was a good thing that the black diamond was tied down. The guests had already arrived. You could hear the soft music playing, the laughter, and the conversations. Maybe Richard was right, maybe it was going to be a good night after all?

It was very romantic that was for sure. I looked up at Richard and grabbed his arm, he in return wrapped his arm around my waist with an iron grip.

Was that necessary? I was starting to feel uncomfortable!

I watched as the Kings brother, Charles approached me with a smile on his face. " hello my dear." He said as he kissed my hand. Making me giggle, he's always had a way with women because he had the most handsome brown eyes. I smiled as he walked past me.

Nothing could compare to what happened next, a young woman approached, shoulder length blond hair, white dress with a shawl. The cold air didn't seem to bother me anymore as I only cared about seeing her.

"Arabella!" She squealed in excitement as we embraced each other.
" How's my sister?" She asked in delight.
" I'm good, it's been a year but it seems longer. How is the family?"
She grabbed my hands smiling. "They are good, so is the farm. Father wanted to come but he had way to much to do."
"Shall we?" Richard said behind us.
"Hello your majesty" Adara said before kneeling.

" This is exciting!" I looked at Richard, he didn't seem to acknowledge me at all. He paid more attention to everyone else.
"Everyone! Gather around, let us have a toast to my younger brother Charles and his success with his up rising business." Richard ordered glass in hand, smiling.

Malcolm passed out the drinks, handing the queen hers first. They all raised their glasses, one at a time.

"To Charles!" They all said.
I choked on mine, a little. It went down hard just like my marriage. Ugh.

The dinner didn't taste good either, I only ate small bites of the uncooked chicken and the potatoes felt lumpy to me. I looked over at the captain, making jokes as usual about the meal, and how he overdid it with the rum. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, everyone laughed, and was in a joyful mood, Richard himself was smiling and it wasn't forced.

As the night wore on, we danced, it felt good to be in his arms on the dance floor. He acted as if he was in love with me but, I knew it was just an act, that's right, a show.

When we had the last goodbyes from our guests, we stood on the deck staring up at the stars. It was nice I thought we were having a good time, he actually seemed human and sweet for once.

" I need to talk to you." Was all he said, and with that he grabbed my hand hard, so hard it could break. He was hurting me again!

"Richard!" I cried. "You're hurting me."
"Arabella, you should know that I am bored with you. I am bored with our marriage, our bed, and I am going to bring other women in our home whether you like it or not."

I stiffened up. My heart instantly shattered to pieces! "You are going to do what?" I snapped.
" You already have, when you brought my sister Arrieta in our bed Chambers!" I continued. "I was carrying our baby, you didn't think I knew about that nasty affair you've been having with my older sister." He just stared at me, uncaring.

"You were in her bed the night I needed you the most, the night I lost our baby boy, the baby you didn't think you wanted or cared about until you found out he was dead! Then you used it to put on a good show." I snarled.
"Shut up Arabella, just shut up!" He growled, "Or I will shut you up!"
Did he just threaten me?
"I hate you Richard!" As soon as that escaped my lips, his hands were wrapped tightly around my neck. I couldn't breathe as he pushed me backwards, I even walked out of my shoes. I could feel my chest tighten, the air was leaving my body. Everything was starting to get fuzzy and gray, I could barley see Richard. "I forgive you." I struggled out. "I love you."
His words were muffled, I couldn't even hear what I said if I said it at all. I am dying.
Everything was going black as I hit the water, the lights were turned out and my body felt as if it turned to stone as I drop to the bottom of the sea.

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