Chapter Eleven

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Coughing and sore I peeked an eye open coming to for a spilt second, an elderly couple hovered over Jenna and I. They were blurry and spinning. Who were they? Where was I? I parted my mouth to ask for help but the words didn't escape my lips.
Dizzy, I looked to the side as the man started to grab onto Jenna. I tried to call out for help once again before my eyes closed.


"Queen Arabella."

I opened my eyes at the sound of my name being called. A low deep voice, a man.
I winced in pain as I tried to move, looking up at him. He had on a dark suit and tie, with brown hair.
My chest hurt with every breath I took, I grabbed my chest making it hurt even more.
"Hello Arabella." He towered over me.

A doctor? I'm in a hospital? What happened?
Where's Jenna! My chest tightened causing more pain.

I searched the room, it was a small room with wooden floors and white walls, four beds. Jenna was beside me in another, eyes shut. Her long brown hair draped over her pillow and hung off the side of the bed. Two nurses in white with caps on their heads stood at her side.

"Relax, she's going to be okay." My head snapped back to the doctor who looked concerned. "My name is Dr. Jones. Looks like you had a bad accident, an old couple brought you here."

I nodded my head and furrowed my eyebrows at the pain. "Where is here?"

"The hospital of course, we're in the inter part of the city." He grinned down at me gripping my hand. "You have a broken ankle, and a broken wrist with two broken ribs."

Well that explains all the pain I'm having when I try to breathe.

"You have a few scrapes on your face but they should go away in no time."

I closed my eyes, remember the accident. How the driver wouldn't stop no matter what I said. "Was anyone else found at the site? The driver?"

"They never said." He cleared his throat searching my eyes. "I gave you and your friend some morphine. It should be kicking in soon, get some rest."

I smiled, that sounded good to me. I was sore yet very tired.
"Judith. I need you to get word to the house of King Richard Scott. Tell him that his Queen and servant are here, tell him they've been in an accident and are stable."
I could hear as the woman replied. "Yes doctor."


I sat in my chair, feet up on my desk with my pipe in hand. The entire parlor smelled of cherry tobacco, Arabella's favorite. It wasn't long before Ryder came walking in. Worried filled eyes. "Yes Ryder. What is it?"

He approached and put both hands on the desk. "Sir, it's the Queen and Jenna. They have been in an accident we have just received wo-"
"Are they okay?" I interrupted, heart in my throat.
"Yes sir, they are in the city at the hospital."
I jumped to my feet, pushing the chair. "Get the carriage."

It didn't take me very long to reach the hospital. What was a forty minute drive only took fifteen, I drove the team very hard not stopping for anything. I took the stairs into the hospital, two at a time with Ryder at my heels.
I walked in looking around. It was a very small hospital, two bedrooms with four beds in each. It was very clean and smelled of bleach.

Suddenly and older woman with blonde hair under a cap, with an white nurses outfit approached me. "Sir, can I help you?"
I straightened my stance. "No, I came for my wife and she'll be going home with me now."

She looked a little offended, oh well.
"But sir, you're going to need to talk to the doctor."
I grew angry, as my cheeks heated up. Didn't she know who I was?
"I don't have to do anything." With that I walked passed her and didn't get far, she grabbed my arm and I turned to her jerking my arm out of her grasp. Giving her an stern glare. "Do you know who I am?"

She nodded her head and pinched her lips as if she regretted what she had just did.
"I am King Richard of Scott and I will be taking my wife Arabella home. Now woman, where is she?"
She swallowed hard and pointed to the second room. "She's in this room here." Fear was in her eyes.
Suddenly the doctor walked out of the room hearing everything that had just happened. "Judith. Get back to work. Hello King Richard I have been expecting you."

My eyes fell to the doctor and I felt myself starting to calm down. "Doctor."

"The Queen has some broken ribs, a broken ankle and a broken wrist. A few cuts on her face, I have given her some morphine for the pain and to help her rest." He paused a minute before continuing on. "I would like her to stay a few days for observat-"
"No, she will be going home." I interrupted, growing furious.

"But I advise-"
"That's right, you advised now step aside." I brushed past him walking over to my sleeping wife. I watched as Ryder already started to pick Jenna up carefully. I slowly and carefully wrapped Arabella up in my arms, and walked to the carriage. The entire time the doctor protested but I ignored him.

Who did he think he was? I am the King!

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