Chapter I

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" It's not working. Just scrap it."

Pam sighed, rubbing her temples. She went to go erase all the recordings that we had collected. I thought for a moment, squinting my eyes through the glass. Ariana Grande was booked in to record her new album, and was shuffling in the recording studio while adjusting the headphones on her ears. She couldn't hear any of our discussion. Not unless we spoke into the linked microphone.

Tapping my nails on the table, I hummed the tune to the song we were working on. It sounded off.

" Why don't we change the B# to an F#. It'll sound better, plus she'll have no problem with hitting the note." I suggested. Pam lifted her head from the table and processed the note change in her head. She then clapped her hands excitedly.

" Yes that'd work. It would also be a signature part of the song. That'll work nicely." She exclaimed, scribbling down the updated version of the song. I smiled lightly at my colleague, before turning to the microphone. Turning on the switch that allowed her to hear me, I spoke into the microphone.

" Okay Ariana, instead of a B# on the end of the chorus, we want you to try an F#. We'll count you in." I spoke clearly, watching as Ariana jumped at the sudden sound. She nodded, sending a thumbs up through the glass. I swivelled my chair to the other end of the desk, towards the mixer. I reset the backing track, and pressed play.

Pam and I watched in anticipation as Ariana began singing. She got to the chorus, and changed the note. It fit much better with the song. Pam sighed in relief, and leaned back in her chair. When the segment ended, I cut the backing track. "Cut. That was good." I spoke into the microphone, watching as Ariana smiled from my praise.

I was about to ask to record the next segment of the song, before the door to the studio swung open. Both Pam and I turned our heads to look at the CEO of our music company. Monte Lipman. We both stood up and looked at him. If he was here himself, then either there was something big, or something wrong. Or both.

" Mr Lipman, is there something you need?" Pam asked nervously. He looked at me, before beckoning me to follow him. I sighed before following him outside. We walked down the long corridor to the elevators. The elevator door opened and we stepped inside. Ironically, there was no music playing in our elevators.

We continued to walk in silence to his office. We walked in and I observed the room. I had been in here many times before, and had memorised all the names on the platinum records that hung in a frame on his walls. Many awards hung on the shelf, many including best producers and label trophies. Republic Records was one of the biggest recording labels in America after all. Mr Lipman sat down in his chair, and I sat in the one opposite from him.

" So what's wrong?" I asked bluntly, cutting to the chase. I folded my hands on my lap and crossed my legs. Mr Lipman shook his head.

" There's nothing wrong, in fact I think this will get us more publicity." He assured. Before I could ask what he meant, he handed a file over the table. I opened it to find the profile of a company. I rose an eyebrow at it.

"Bighit Entertainment?"I said out loud. I looked at Mr Lipman questioningly. He nodded.

" Bighit Entertainment is a South Korean based company. If you have a look through you'll find their most popular group." He explained. I nodded slowly, and flicked through the papers.

Inside was an alarming amount of information on a boy group called BTS. There was a photo reference, and names of all of them. Seven members? That's so many!

"BTS is also a South Korean boy group, however as of recent years, their music has expanded globally." He continued, as I flicked through multiple pages. It just didn't end.

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