Chapter II

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I was woken by my phone ringing. Again.  This had to be the fifth time he's called. I groaned, before finally picking up.

" What is it? It's 5:00 in the morning, this had better be good." I said sluggishly. A sleep deprived woman was a scary woman. Mark my words.

" We ran through this yesterday. BTS's flight arrives at 5:30, so you must be there at latest by 6:00 to go get them." M Lipman sighed, and I could imagine him rubbing his hand over his face. I groaned as I remembered yesterday's full conversation. Well, half remembered it. I wasn't really listening after I shook his hand.

" We have people for that. I know for a fact that you have interns that are sitting on their asses at this very moment. Go send one of them out."  I snapped, turning over to the other side of my king sized bed. Yeah. Being rich was great.

" Watch it Blanc. I want you there to greet them to make more of an impression on their superiors." He said.

" Won't that just make more of a fuss? There will be paparazzi, and I'd rather not make the front page again this week."

I heard Mr Lipman throw something from the other side of the line and I cringed as I heard something smash. He must be pretty mad. Sucks for his assistant.

" Goddammit Blanc, get your ass down to the airport in the next half an hour. If I find out your not there, I will cancel the meeting regarding your first album. And make yourself look presentable." He yelled into the phone, before hanging up abruptly. I narrowed my eyes at my phone, which now showed my lock screen. It was plain black. I had no photos, nor wanted any. There wasn't anything that I really liked besides music that I thought should be shown.

Sighing, I finally sat up properly in my bed and stretched. I let out a yawn, and looked outside. On the left side of my room, instead of a wall I had glass that allowed me a full view of Los Angeles. It was great. Except when I was getting out from the shower.

I swung my legs over the side of my bed and stood up slowly. My legs wobbled a bit, before I steadied. Yawning again, I shuffled slowly to my dressing room. I probably should've gone quicker, given the time- But I was too sleep deprived from last night to care.

As per usual I was working overnight to finish the bonus track on Ariana Grande's newest album. I could've saved it till today or tomorrow, but with the deadline at the end of the month, I wanted to get it out of the way so I had more time to get BTS over and done with.

I surveyed the room, before going through racks of clothing. Where did I put my coat again?

I grinned as I found it, but groaned as I realized it was on the other side of the room. I hate walking. I'd be carried everywhere if I had it my way.

I walked towards it, grabbing a white blouse and black jeans on the way. I put them on, and added some jewelry and a watch to complete to look. I found some black heels and a bag and threw them to the front of the room. I rushed to my makeup table and applied some natural makeup. Where is my stylist you ask? She's on vacation somewhere in the Maldives. Because unlike me, she actually gets holidays and time off of work. Lucky her.

 Lucky her

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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