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Thankfully, the Police left without any trouble going down.
"Don't forget you're already sunk."
The other Officer, Senior Constable Lucas' warning directed at Kade rang in my head.
Everything was ringing in my head.
Why had the Police even been here?
I rubbed my fingertips against my temples as I stared around Heath and Kade's lounge room.
My gaze landed on Amara, sitting perched on the edge of one of the armchair's and I winced, the scenes after our arrival here flashing through my mind.
Amara probably wanted to be anywhere but here right now.
"What the hell even happened?"
I asked, looking around at the other faces in the room.
The Blonde.
"You can't remember?"
I looked to Zander, who was sitting beside Me on the lounge.
His concerned expression clearly told Me I was missing something.
"It's not unusual to be disoriented after an anxiety attack."
Amara piped up, her tone quiet.
An anxiety attack made sense as to why some thing's were absent from my memory.
But I wanted to know why I'd suffered such an attack.
"Heath and I were... talking."
Amara explained, staring into my eyes.
"Kade arrived and hugged you... and you panicked."
My Best Friend all but whispered.
I frowned.
Kade hugged Me and I found myself suffering an anxiety attack?
Maybe that was why I felt that tremor down my spine when Zander hugged Me.
This wasn't good...
Swallowing hard, I looked across the room to where Heath and Kade were standing in front of the TV that was on, but nobody was watching.
"I'm sorry Kade."
I tried to apologise, my throat tightening.
Zander's Brother waved a dismissive hand.
But his nonchalance was tainted by the tightening of his jaw.
I closed my eyes.
Not everybody understand's Anxiety and Panic Attack's.
A warm hand, decently larger than mine, covered my left one and laced their finger's through mine.
I peeled my eyes open, looked down at the hand and followed the tanned arm up to a dark blue t-shirt and finally Zander's face.
I sucked in a deep breath, trying to force myself to have the courage to keep this conversation going.
"So... I freaked out... but who called the Cop's? And why?"
I asked.
Amara shook her head.
"The Police didn't say who called. But your scream could've easily made somebody think you were in trouble."
Biting into my bottom lip, I turned my gaze back over to Heath and Kade.
Did I manage to get them in trouble?
The Police didn't say they were...
My eyes bugged wide.
One of the Officer's-
"Why did one of the Police say to You, 'don't forget you're already sunk'?"
I asked, watching Kade.
He shook his dark head.
"That's not important."
Heath grimaced.
I asked, appealing to my Brother.
Heath Evans doesn't usually sugarcoat the truth.
He clenched his jaw.
I looked to Amara, who bit into her bottom lip and dropped her gaze to her tanned thighs.
Zander squeezed my hand.
I looked quickly up to his face.
Surely somebody is going to tell Me what's going on?
"That's not something for you to worry about Tonight."
Zander told Me, his voice gentle.
He ruined it by saying Tonight.
That meant that at some point it would become my problem.
"What have I missed?"
I insisted, looking around at each face again.
"The case still has to go to Court, but it's basically certain that Kado's goin' to jail."
Heath stated, folding his arms across his still bare chest.
Zander and Amara scolded, while Kade shot his Best Friend/Housemate a lethal glare.
"What?! Why?!"
I yelped, my voice cracking.
"They found the arsehole who hurt you."
My Brother wouldn't meet my gaze.
My heart began to race inside my chest again.
Who found Lane?
What did it mean that they found Him?
"He remembered Kade most..."
Heath shot a quick glance towards his Best Friend.
There were too many holes in this story.
"Hold on!"
I tugged my left hand out of Zander's grasp, to hold my hands up, palm's forward.
All eyes watched Me wearily.
I placed my hands into my lap.
"Start from the beginning."
I requested.
"Because none of this is making any sense!"
Heath shook his head, turning his back on Me.
"We're not supposed to tell You."
We're not-?
"Who said?!"
I demanded.
I'm a big Girl, I can know!
Heath spun around, his blue eyes ablaze with intensity.
"How about it's a unanimous decision?"
"Since when do you keep secrets?!"
I demanded, hot tear's springing to the back's of my eyes.
"To be fair, Heath, you've already started to spill."
The blonde chimed in.
Even this stranger know's what this is about?
"This is none of your business!"
Blinking against my tear's, I watched Amara glare dagger's at the Blonde.
My heart thudding almost painfully inside my chest, I tore my gaze off my Best Friend and the random Blonde, to watch one of my many older Brother's walk towards Me.
Heath crouched in front of Me, bracing his elbows on his board shorts clad thighs, his blue eyes intently watching my face.
I asked, trying hard to not let anybody hear the tremble in my voice.
"You're our Sister and every single one of us would do absolutely anything for you."
Heath informed Me.
"B-But what's that g-got to do w-with Kade and j-jail?"
I asked, my bottom lip trembling.
"While you were in Hospital, we kept your low life attacker under lockdown."
Heath explained.
Out the corner's of my eyes, I saw Kade shake His head and Amara drop Her head into Her hand's.
From beside Me, I heard Zander sigh.
"Most of us were at the Hospital, waiting to see you."
Heath explained.
"But there was always at least one person making sure the Wanker wasn't gonna get away."
A shiver made it's way down my spine, but I forced myself to nod to show Heath I was hearing His word's.
"Kade was found when the Cop's found... Him."
Heath explained, a frown on his brow as he hung his head.
My Brother's and/or the Hunter's knew who'd attacked Me and had kept Him under lockdown while I'd been treated in Hospital?
I couldn't stop the tear's from rolling down my cheek's.

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