
47 11 14

So, so, SO sorry for the wait beautiful people!
The journey is NOT over!
I promise 💚💙

Thank you Sgt_Pepper1998 for your comment last chapter 😍

"Anything you want to talk about?"
Kylie offered, glancing over at me.
The familiar scenes of Reef Bay breezed by as Kylie drove through Town.
"Why does Brady think he's the 'stupid' one of the Family?"
I asked, twisting slightly in the passenger seat so I could watch my Brothers' Mum's reaction.
Kylie, with her gaze trained on the bitumised road, frowned.
"He said that?"
I nodded.
"I asked him at breakfast why he was still getting in trouble at School and I said I wanted to help him if I could, but he said you can't help the stupid one!"
Kylie shook her head, a saddened noise slipping past her lips.
"That's terrible that he feels that way!"
"Is he failing subjects or something?"
I guessed.
Kylie shook her head.
"I'm not sure what the official answer is, because I'm not his Mother, or his Father, but I hear things around the house. Codie's gonna have to watch his tongue, because Brady's going to snap one of these day's."
While my Brother's had mostly acted pretty tame during my time here since January, I'd heard enough stories.
And seen the evidence over my earlier year's coming here during the school holiday's.
Arian, Brogan, Corbin, Ethan and Heath had been particularly good at throwing their fist's when they'd had enough.
Izac, Jace and Keegan soon learned how as well.
"Keegan looked pretty frustrated with Brady this morning."
I pointed out, fishing for Kylie's opinion.
She indicated to turn onto Barrel Lane and blew through her lip's.
"You saw a bit of it during your stay's during the holidays."
She explained.
"It can get tough when hormone's are raging. Brady's clearly got thing's going on, but Keegan's getting fed up with his attitude."
Unfortunately, she wasn't really telling me anything I couldn't already decipher for myself.
"Maybe I can ask Brady about his grades..."
I mused.
Kylie shot me a glance and a small smile
"If he's having trouble, honey, then I don't like your chances of him admitting to it."
She continued.
I raised a questioning brow.
"Sometime's a friendly ear is just what somebody need's."
Kylie suggested.
"Now your confusing me!"
I threw my hands's up.
"Do I ask, or don't I?"
"That would be up to you."
Kylie shrugged.
"He could get defensive though, so you've got to ask yourself if you feel ready for the possibility of a not so warm welcome."
I chewed on my bottom lip.
"You wanna tell me about what else is bothering you?"
Kylie asked, shooting me a glance as she turned her car to drive down the Mason's property's driveway.
"I-I'm just worried about Brady."
I hedged.
Kylie snorted!
"You're a worse liar than Corbin and Izac."
I snapped my gaze to her face.
"Say what?"
She smiled almost amusedly.
"None of my Boy's have ever trusted Corbin or Izac to cover for them. I've alway's been able to see through them."
"Not Arian, Brogan, Ethan, Heath, Judd or Keegan?"
I asked.
"Oh I know when they're trying to bullshit me."
Kylie nodded.
"As a Mum, you know your Kid's. But Corbin will avert his eyes and rub at the back of his neck, no matter how hard he tries not to. And Izac won't meet your eye and blushes deep red!"
Kylie slowed her car down at the Agistment parking area.
She surprised me by turning the car off and twisting in her seat to face me.
"I'm certainly not gonna force you to talk to me, Bail's."
She explained, tone gentle.
"But I'm here, if you want to."
I twisted my hand's together in my lap and looked down at them.
"I just... have a lot on my mind lately."
I whispered.
"That's perfectly understandable."
Kylie agreed.
"But Keegan did send me a text that said that he was going to bring you out here. Did something happen between you two?"
Tear's springing to my eyes, I blinked and shook my head.
"I was messaging with Zander at recess!"
I croaked, my throat suddenly tight.
"And his last message said 'we need to talk'."
I closed my eyes, my heart heavy in my chest.
"Well... maybe he really does want to talk with you. A lot's been going on since you've come home."
Kylie's gentle voice reasoned.
I forced my eyes open and made myself look across the car at her face, even though my eyes were filled with tear's.
"Everybody know's that 'we need to talk' is a death sentence for relationships!"
I squeaked, my voice clogged up with emotion.
Kylie's grimace said that she didn't disagree.
Swallowing hard, a few tear's dropping onto my cheek's, I turned my head to look out of the passenger side window.
I'd been unintentionally pushing Zander away since I got home Saturday night.
And now, I was going to be forced to face the consequences for it.
My left hand trembling, I reached out to open the door.
"Do you need me to pick you up?"
Kylie asked.
In the messages, Zander told me he could get me.
But I definitely didn't want him breaking up with me here.
Phoenix is supposed to be my happy place!
"I'm not sure."
I answered, my back to her.
"Okay, well just let me know. I'll probably start cooking Dinner at around five thirty, six o'clock."
I squeaked.

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