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Demjin didn't to think of her past and was really good at shoving flashbacks into a hole where they belong, but today the flashbacks won the constant brawl. This time it was her parents.

She didn't really remember her parents much but she know how she got to Kerch. It was sunny and warm unlike in Fjerda. Though she was just a puppy at the time her thick winter coat was weighing her down, catching every single drop of her sweat, making it hard to walk. She wasn't strong enough to join the other pups yet to pick her druskelle partner. Her parents had some thought. Her dad's was a general of some sort named Brum.

Brum was a funny sort of man. He always walked around keeping things in check on our boat even when it was a tiny thing like a knot being to tight. On time he caught me staring and he said " Can never be to careful, especially when your carrying special cargo." then he gave me a weird smile and walked away and into his quarters. I've also herd him speak many different types of gibberish.

On some days I was put in the belly of the ship to learn from my dad how to guard a grisha. One night the druskelle favored by Brum, Matthias, came down and started talking with one of the grisha. My dad was asleep at the time, his sense of smell lost in a tale long ago that he will not tell me. At first she started speaking gibberish like the strange one. But then she spoke the language of Djel as true and pure as anyone I've ever heard.

Suddenly Demjin was shot back to reality by a sudden chill that went through her and leaving behind a sort of mist. She looked up alarmed. What, What was that? No it couldn't be. A ghost?

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