Aniexty Attack

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Adam's POV
I woke up on top of James and I almost flipped out, I feel sweaty and neverous and shaky, I knew what well happen if I don't move so I just get up and ran to my room and slammed my door from shock, no its not like I hate James its just I get all panicky when I do that since were not together (yet) and he is probably with someone else....I sigh and calm down by just doodling down some stuff for no reason until James gets up, hopefully I didn't wake him I would have been rude.
James POV
I Felt the warmth go away making me whine a little and I slowly wake up with something slamming a door, I looked up and saw Adam at the last second, wait...what happened? I asked myself to try to remember, ah, me and him were watching something scary and we fell asleep with each other, I'm guessing he was on top of me which, he could have stayed (wink wink ;) )but I guess he is getting a video done, I deicide to hang out with Rebecca for now until I can surprise him by what he did to me, I walk to Rebecca's room, "hey Rebecca wanna help me plan something to get back at Adam" I said watching her watch YouTube "Yeah what he do?" She asked looking at me, "Slept on top of me and went away" I said smirking "ah, okay, when he comes out of his room just tackle him to the floor or the couch" she said giving a wink," what's with the wink?" I asked confused, "you'll find out soon" she said looking back at YouTube, so I went back and waited for Adam to come out which was soon, I tackled him to the couch and pinned him, "Hah pay back for being on top of me!" I said smirking, he just looked shocked.
Adam's POV
James tackled me and pinned me and now I'm a blushing mess, god please save me, my blood pumps faster and I sweat due to aniexty but also thought how to get pay back right here- wait, I have an idea, I grabbed his waist and smirked, he was confused and blushed a bright red, then I kissed him until I realized how dumb I acted and pushed him away and ran to my room and slammed it, I finally did it...I kisser my crush....
James POV
HOLEY CRAP MY CRUSH KISSED ME AND IM A HUGE BLUSHING MESS AHHHHHH, god I love him way to much, i didn't like it when he pulled away....I wanted to kiss back but I just had to stay there in shocked and he ran off to his room again, I just sat down happy but thinking, that means he has a no one...but how!? He is so cute! I guess I can make him mine~ ugh what am I thinking that's stupid..... Maybe tomorrow I will give him pay back but what? I already did this, oh, maybe tease him? Since maybe he does like me, tease him how?well timtom invited us to a laser tag thing so since its dark it could be more easier to tease, I just hope it goes to plan and nothing will fail, I really do love him he is my everything, I go to my room to draw him because he is to cute not to draw, then I drew me with him hugging and doing what couples do, hopefully it will go according to plan.

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