2- What?

50 3 1

I sat on my couch later that night. I was texting Zayn and Niall while I was watching tv.

"Guess which boyband recently hit their second #1 On American charts? It's coming up next after the break." some blonde bimbo said. I flipped the channel, I could care less to be honest.

I settled on a movie channel that was showing old movies from the 50's.

My phone screen lit up, showing that I got a text.

"So U wanna hang tmmrw?" Zayn asked me.

"Sure, where you wanna meet?"

I locked my phone and Set it down for a few minutes.

What was up with them earlier. There's something they aren't telling me obviously. But they said its not a big deal. Liam told me they would explain soon.

But how soon? Oh well. It's probably something stupid and not a big deal at all. Boys are weird.

My phone lit up again, a text from Niall.

"Im eating wbu."

"Do you eat all the time? Lol."

"All the time doesn't quite hit the nail on the head ;)" I laughed and checked zayns text.

"Same place? The library? Or anywhere that's not crowded ." aw he's shy. That's so cute!

"That's works." I heard my phone start to ring.

"Hey." I answered. It's Liam.

"Ash we all wanna meet you there. I'm calling cuz the boys are fighting it but I can't feel this guilt feeling knowing what could happen. We're gonna tell you something tomorrow."

I flipped that channel back to that celebrity channel to watch the Kardashians.

"Ok. I hope you guys know your really scaring me. Well.. What time?"

"What time lads?" I heard him ask. I think it was Louis who answered.

"4:30 ok?" "Yeah I'll make sure I'm there." he thanked me and hung up. I'm seriously really nervous.

I saw zayns name pop up on my phone, and I don't know why, but I felt myself perk up. It was like an adrenaline rush. Something about him caught my attention.

*Zayns POV*

"Guys I think it's to soon, we literally JUST met her. Let's just hang tomorrow and have fun and then we can tell her in a few days.."

"I agree with Zayn, she's the first girl who hasn't gone insane. She didn't even know who we were, we don't wanna scare her off. Plus she seems really cool. We should keep her." Niall said.

"Yeah but those girls at the library, I saw them take pictures. What if she's in them, we have to keep her safe until then. If we're caught she will be everywhere, and you know how our fans are. They will have her birth certificate in an hour flat." Harry said and laughed.

"This isn't funny Harry, you know it'll happen." Liam piped in. "In fact, Harry look her up on everything. Make sure she doesn't have one. If she does, boy I don't know what we're gonna do.."

"I'm on it." he said as he pulled out his laptop and began typing away.

"Crap. Guys I need you to look at this.."

Her picture is everywhere.

"Oh sh*t guys." Niall said. "What are we gonna do? We can't just remove all of them! It's everywhere!"

And update account posted "Ooh who's the girl that's a little close with Zayn here? ;)"

"Oh my god.." I sighed.

"Does she have a twitter or anything though?"

"No.. Thankfully.. But still her picture is gonna be on sugarscape and every other article pretty soon here!"

"Well maybe she won't see!" Louis said. "She doesnt seem interested in stuff like that I don't think."

I decided to make a tweet.

"Guys don't freak out. She's just a fan that needed help on her homework .xx That's all. Please stop making commotion xxx." my mentions blew up, but I ignored them.

Niall and Harry did the same. Even though it wont make a difference. It's us, the biggest boyband on earth at the moment, and a girl no one recognizes. Can't expect any less.

"Boys," Paul said firmly. "Don't worry, I'm handling it. Go to bed, you've got a lot coming up."

We know not to fight with Paul. He's like a second father to all of us, and we love messing around with him, but we don't argue. He's the reason were alive really.

We all made the mutual decision that we have to tell her. Maybe not tomorrow but definitely sooner than later.

"Excited for tomorrow :) x" I texted her.


His text made me blush. He's so sweet. 3 hours wouldn't do much for me with anyone else, but I feel like he's my best friend right now. The way he talks about his friends at home and his family, he's a really caring guy. I don't know why they came to America, thy avoided to subject. But I'm kinda glad he wanted to help me. Even though we did absolutely nothing, we all had a good time.

They instantly make you feel warm and welcome. They joke freely and are just carefree.

":) same. See you guys tomorrow." I finally replied.

I kept watching the Kardashians. I only watch it because of Scott though.

"I am now a lord in England. So I think the title 'Lord Disick' is very fitting." I laughed at him. Yeah right sass.

I somehow caught myself thinking about the guys. Especially Zayn. How his eyes watch you the whole time you talk, like he doesn't wanna look away. The way he talked about everything back home. I had to shake it out of my head, because I really don't know what's gotten into me. I've never done this for anyone else.

I feel like I would do anything for them, but I don't know why. Something with them just clicked in me. I genuinely grew kind of close to them in that short amount of time.

The only reason we really left is because we were kicked out. Paul left us alone for a little bit.

They said he's like their uncle or something?

Liam is such a sweetie. He helped all the little kids find books and movies. He loves his girlfriend to bits.. I think her name was Danielle? Shes beautiful though. I can tell he really loves her just by the look he gets talking about her.

Louis is a bit sassy. He got snippy with the librarian when she shushed us the third time. But he's very kind other than that. I can tell he has a temper when he wants to, but who doesn't? His girlfriend is also gorgeous. Eleanor? They look good on each other and he really loves her a lot.

Niall is loud and outgoing. His personality is so balanced around everyone's. He's a little softie, which I love, but he seems like a protector. He also knows his food. I can tell he gets attached to someone easily, which isn't a bad thing. He's an overall, really great guy.

Harry is mysterious. He talks slow and serious. Hes very outgoing though. He's definitely cheeky though. He obviously has a dirty mind. There is no hiding it. But it isn't over ruling, it's just funny.

And Zayn. He's shy and sweet.. He holds on to your every word, when he opens up, he's a very strong, caring person. Hes flirty to.. Not to strong, but enough to force you to hide a blush. I don't know if I can trust myself being his friend. I'd end up wanting more.

And that scares me to death.

Just then I looked at my tv. My heart began racing, my mind moving a million miles a second.

"Boyband One Direction have been having tremendous success here in the states. More on them after the break."

Circles *A Zayn Malik Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now