Circles *A Zayn Malik Fanfiction*

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Circles *A Zayn Malik fan fiction*

"I need to get this project done.." I whispered to myself, staring at my instructions sheet. I had three notebooks full of notes and a few books open on the WWII sections. I thought being in a library would help me focus more, but I guess not.

"Ugh!" I slammed a book shut and sighed. "Stupid ass mother trucking f-" a kid was staring at me like I was an alien. I shot him a death threat with my eyes, he looked away and began walking out of this section.

I'm not a bad student. I average a B in most of my classes. I normally do really well on projects to, but this one is pissing me off.

I decided to get up and walk around. I went into the WWII section to see if there was any better books.

I sighed, looking at the titles and covers.

"You ok?" a guy asked me. I looked over and gave an exasperated smile.

"Yeah, just frustrated." he has dark brown hair, deep, big brown watery eyes. His skin is tan and looks soft.

"Need any help?" I was a little taken back by a stranger asking me this, but he seems harmless. He looks about 18 or 19.

"A little help would be nice.." I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

"Where you from? Your accents cute." I put a book back in its place and grabbed another one.

"Wait." he said like he was confused about something


"You don't know who I am..?"

Now I'm the confused one.

"Am I supposed to..?" he laughed slightly and shook his head.

"No, I suppose not. Well, my names Zayn, I'm from England. And you are?"

"I'm Asher. But my friends call me ash. I'm from here, Ohio." he smiled. Something about him rang a bell, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe I've seen him on the street? Maybe I knew him awhile ago?

But the name Zayn wasn't familiar.

"Well nice to meet you ash. Uhm, if you wanna get on, we can go work on this project of yours?" he suggested.

"Oh! Yeah I almost forgot about that somehow." he walked next to me back to the table I was settled at. He sat down next to me and grabbed my papers.

He read them over and over. Taking more time each review. He sighed and put the papers down after almost 10 minutes.

"I don't understand this. How long do you have to finish it?"

I hesitated.

"2 days.." his eyes bulged.

"How long have you had total..?"

"3 weeks.." I said quietly. I'm a bad procrastinator.

Like, horrible. I never do anything early.

"Ok. Um, well let's start with-"

"If you boys don't calm down and stop this I will have no choice but to kick you out!" The librarian told two boys.

The one has crazy brown curly hair and bright green eyes. His smile was wide and bright. The boy with him had almost the same color hair, but it was straight. His eyes looked blue and I could tell he was ornery.

"Sorry maam, I promise it won't happen again." he said with a cheeky grin. He has a British accent to..

They started to pass us and Zayn looked up at them.

"Lads what are you doing to the poor lady?"

"Oh hey Zayn, we've been looking for- And may I ask who you are? " Straight haired boy asked.

"Not before I ask who you are?" I demanded.

"Wait, you don't know who-" Zayn shook his head rapidly.

"Ok what in the world is going on here?!" I asked, creeped out and nervous.

"Nothing! Please ash don't worry it's fine, it's not a big deal, I promise." he tried assuring me.

"These are my friends, this is Harry," he pointed to the curly haired one.

"And this is Louis." he pointed to the other one.

"Hi.." I said. I'm still not convinced this isn't weird.

"Guys this is Ash." he said to them. "Now where's Liam and Niall?" he asked.

"There's more of you?" I asked.

He gave me an assured look. I am so confused!

"It really is nothing to worry about, we promise ash." Harry said to me. His voice is deep and slow. He flipped his hair and smoothed it per with his hands and took a seat.

"So where ate the other lads?" Zayn asked again.

"Oh Niall's bugging the librarian about food and Liam is reading a book to little kids upstairs. Oh and Paul will be here to pick us up in like half an hour." Louis said.

Well I'm surrounded by attractive British boys. I can deal with this.

I saw two girls a few feet away staring over here and whispering. The one girl squealed and jumped in her seat. The boys put in their hoods and tried looking away.

WHAT IS GOING ON?! I wanted to scream. Nothing is making sense.

The blonde haired girl made her way over. "Un excuse me, can I get a picture with you guys?" I cocked my head toward her.

"Why do you want a picture with them..?"



"GO AWAY! There is no jenifer here, I'm sorry young girl." Louis yelled. I was shocked and the girl looked confused. I looked at Zayn nervously.

"I will explain everything later.. Can I have your number?" I looked at Harry trying to read my project paper.

"Yeah.." I said shyly. He gave me his phone and I programmed it in.

"Thanks babe. Ill give you mine." I handed him my phone and he typed away.

A blonde boy started walking towards us.

"Niall!" Louis screeched.

"Hey lads I'm back, the lady wouldn't give me food, I'm gonna die I'm so hungry oh my god." he sat down.

"Oh who are you?" Harry whispered something to him and he nodded, wide eyed.

"I'm ash, you must be Niall.." he shook my hand and smiled.

"Yeah." he laughed. "Is Liam back yet?" I just noticed something. He has a different accent.

"So where are you from then? You sound different?" I asked.

"Oh I'm from Ireland. Yeah I am." he laughed again. He laughs a lot I see.

"Liam!" Louis shouted. The librarian shushed him and rolled her eyes.

"Hey boys. Oh! Hi I'm Liam! May I ask your name? Your quite pretty." I blushed deeply.

I was rarely told I was pretty, any time I was told, it was by my family or old men.

"Thanks, I'm ash, your handsome to." shoot me oh my gosh.

"Thanks. So are you a-"

"SHHHH!" they all said to him.

"What?" Louis whispered to him and he nodded.

"Well, this should be interesting!" he said. "Welcome to the family." he said to me.

I have this gut feeling, I'm getting myself into trouble.

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