a walk in the woods goes wrong.

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you were in your room. you were getting ready to go on a nice long walk in the woods near town after a long day at school. it wasn't the best day of course. you changed into a sweatshirt. skinny jeans and some dark grey western style boots. you grabbed your backpack. phone. and your portable charger that was battery powered. you had a pack of battery's in your bag in case the battery in the charger ran out. you grabbed your favourite book and set off. " mom I will be back soon! " you called to your beloved mother. " alright sweetheart be safe! and make sure to come back soon! remember to come back in time for dinner! " she said with a sweet voice. you nodded happily and snatched your headphones off the table and plugged them into your phone. you turned on relaxing music. it was a soundtrack on youtube you listened to alot. the soft sound of a flute. running water. and wind chimes soothing you. you walked up the path from your street up into the woods. walking down the narrow path calmly. you sighed happily feeling safe. calm. and stress free. you sat down for a few minutes and decided to read a bit. you took out your favourite book and started reading. after a few minutes suddenly.. something wet hit your nose. slightly splattering making you close your eyes and wrinkle your nose. you blink in confusion. and then suddenly.. it happened again. only.. a lot more. after a few seconds, it started to get heavier and heavier untell it was pouring. " god damnit!! " you shouted. you took off your headphones and stuffed them and your phone into your backpack. " i need to get out of this rain! " you said. you started to somewhat run up the path to see if there was somewhere you could go to get away from the wrath of mother nature. you saw a castle. it seemed dark and trees surrounded it mostly other than the path leading upto the front door of the large castle. you thought out load. " either. 1. stay out in the rain and get soaked completely. or 2. go into the fucking terrifying looking castle. " you said. you thought about the outcomes of both. " well.. it does look.. abandoned.. I guess it can't be so bad? but once the rains over im soooo outa here! " you said. you walked up to the large doors and they creaked open. you gulped softly sorta rethinking your decision. you saw that the rain was causing everything to get muddy. your clothes were already wet. you weren't going to let them get muddy as well. plus they were new. you opened the door slowly. " h-hello? " you called out. you heard nothing but the sound of wind blowing throughout the room softly and a few leaves pass through into the room through the spaces between your feet. " hm. I guess it is abandoned.. " you said. " I guess i could stay here for a while. " you said. little did you know. there was a shadow like creature watching you in the dark. 

( end of this chapter! :3 there will be more right after this! dont worry! ^w^ 

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