why are you so special?

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( btw there is no picture cause i couldn't find one and i am dead tired it is 6 am right now and im dead tired. save me. hope you enjoy anyway ;v; sorry for no picture )

( normal point of view ) 

you woke up with minose sitting on your chest with his head nestled under your chin. you didn't know why. but this place sort of reminded you of home. even though it was nothing like it. it was so odd. as if something in you told you that you were here before. it was so odd. " minose? " you asked. the sly and slender cat opened its eyes. " yes miss Y/N? " he asked. "I think it stopped raining " you said. "I should probably get ready to leave " you said. " im sorry to say this miss Y/N. " he said. " what do you mean? " you asked. " you cannot leave. there is an important reason for that. " he said. " why can't I leave? " you asked. honestly.. your mom was all you had after your father had passed away. no one at school really liked you. you didn't have many friends. and honestly, you noticed your mother had been getting slightly sick of you at times. so.. even if you did have to stay here. it wouldn't be all bad. not that you thought you would untell minose said that. " I cannot tell you. but you may leave if you wish. but there will be consequences for duke " he said. " and how do you know that? " you asked him sitting next to him. " that I also cannot tell you. just. please?  would you stay? " he asked. " well... I don't have the best life back at home.. " you said thinking about it. it may seem crazy. but at least here you had some friends that it seemed you could depend on. " you may take your time to think about it " he said. "I will stay " you said with a soft smile. his eyes widened. " are you sure? don't you have a place back home? " he asked making sure you were serious. " my life at home isn't good as I said before. so. what is the harm in staying? as long as I can get my stuff " you said. " of course! may I go with you? after all I can't have you getting injured and not returning " he said. " alright " you said. "I will go tell duke about our departure to get your belongings " he said. " alright " you said. your normal clothes were folded and clean. you picked them up when you changed into them in the bathroom. you walked out of the bathroom and saw duke sitting on the bed with one leg over the other. " I see that minose asked you to stay here at the castle with us " he said. " mhm. " you said with a nod. " I was wondering. why would you give up your normal life just to stay here? " he asked. " there isn't much to go home to " you said. "I suppose I should let you and minose go get your belongings. " he said. you nodded and grabbed your bag and walked out of the room with minose walking beside you gracefully. with that you exited the castle with minose beside you.

( time skip )

you were in front of your house with minose beside you. " this is the place. " you said. you knocked and the door opened. " Y/N! " your mom yelled. " where the hell did you go off to?! " she yelled. your mom had frequent mood swings. sometimes she was a happy woman and others an angry ruthless beast. " it started raining hard and I was too deep in the woods to get back without my phone getting to wet so I stayed.. at a friends house " you said. " and why do you have a cat with you? " she asked. " that is minose " you said. he looked unamused while looking at your mother. your mother let you in and you went upstairs. " we leave later I don't want my mom noticing me leaving " you told minose. " alright. " he said. you started to pack stuff and put them under your bed. only stuff you liked and needed. things like clothes and other stuff you wanted to bring. also your favourite blanket. 

( another small time skip ) 

it was now night and your mother had gone to bed and you were ready to leave. you carefully took the bags of your belongings and walked down the stairs making sure not to make any noise. you left the house with minose. once you got back to the castle you took your bags to the bedroom that you guessed was now yours. " you do know that duke is no normal man right? " minose asked. "I had a feeling like that.. " you said telling him that you had felt like duke was strange in an odd way. " really? I wonder. why didn't you freak out? like when you had your first encounter with me? " minose asked. " I've always loved creepy and spooky things. legends. folktales you name it. I knew it. " you said. " really? that is quite odd " he said. " yeah and im an odd child so what? " you said with a shrug. " minose why is she so special? no. why are YOU so special? " duke asked looking you in the eye. " I don't know ask your psychic cat " you said. " im not psychic. its completely different. " minose said before slinking into your lap. you subconsciously started to pet the slender cat. " well.  im sure you have heard of the vampire in the midnight castle right?~ " duke asked. " of course. and dont worry. minose already dropped some hints. I know you're a vampire " you said. duke looked like he had just been smacked in the face. " you?.. know? why aren't you running? or screaming? or panicking?! " he shouted. " well. I've been around this stuff before. " you said. "I guess I should tell you how? " you asked. " please don't give me the story of your life " duke said. " no. it's not a story of my life. its how my dad died. " you said. " alright. please continue then " duke said. you sighed. 

" once there was a time when i was about thirteen. I was small. observant. and a very calm person. my dad had been acting different lately. he didn't talk to my mom much anymore. he wouldn't speak to me at all. he would leave for some reason in the afternoon. one day i got tired of him not being around to go somewhere else. so. i followed him. he was with another woman. that woman ended up being a creature like no other. luring men to fall in love with them. and then kill them and escape. my dad died in front of me before i could even say one word to him. after that I started to study mythology. trying to find out that creature's species and name. some way to get revenge for breaking my family apart. from then on I was like a detective. finding weird stuff. creatures. things and or creatures that no one ever thought existed and that anyone who saw them was called insane. " you reached into one of the bags and pulled out a box. you took your necklace off and used the key on it to unlock the box. you saw odd objects and saw assorted items. " werewolf fur. a crystal that when attached to a flashlight can shrink objects and or people. all these objects were from my hunting for that creature. i even found a vile of a potion that will bring the dead back to life. " you said. " but.. the body of my father was taken. so there was no way to bring him back " you said. " why would you take the potion if you have no use for it? " duke asked. " of course I wasn't going to leave it for someone to bring back a warlord or something maybe even a serial killer. either way I wasn't going to leave it for someone to find. " you said. "I told you she was no normal girl " minose said smugly. " shut up minose " duke grumbled. " of course I have a lock and key for this box. " you said. "I have had many people come after some of these items. its sort of like I became their protector " you said. " why wouldn't you just destroy them or. you know? get rid of them? " duke asked. "I thought that someday I would need them. " you said. "I see. " duke said. " i should probably let you unpack. " duke said. he walked out of the room. you sighed. you started to unpack and put everything up. hiding your box full of magical items. " I have a feeling that having those is gonna pick me in the ass one way " you said. once finished you layed on the bed. minose curled up beside your head. you sighed. " night minose " you said. " goodnight miss Y/N " he said. you got under the blankets and he got up and got under them too. 

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