a cats protection

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you walked into the bedroom that would be your room temporarily. you set your book bag down next to the bed. " feel free to take a shower  " you heard duke call through the door. " alright! will do " you said. you saw minose sitting on the bed curled up in a little ball. you saw a small pile of clothes folded neatly on the bed. a card was next to it. odd. the pile of clothes wasn't there a second ago but they just appeared when you looked away. " where did these come from?.. " you questioned and picked up the card. 

dear Y/N. I hope these fit. I thought you would most likely want to take a shower so I thought I should give you some extra clothes in case. ~ duke 

you didn't know how he got them there while your back was turned. you didn't even hear the door open. you took the black dress pants with the belt and shirt. you walked into the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom and closed the door. you saw 2 towels sitting on the counter next to the sink. you started to undress to take a nice hot shower. 

( time skip by about 13 minutes )

you got out of the shower and started to dry yourself off with the towel. once you dried yourself off you changed into the clothes duke had given you to change into after your shower. you walked out of the bathroom. " what do I do with the wet towel? " you asked. " set it on the opposite side of the sink of where you found it " you heard minose say. you saw him sitting on the bed looking at you with his tail swaying slowly behind him. he had his legs and laws pulled under him so he was a cat loaf ( I've always wanted to say that in a book XD ) you walked to the bathroom and set it on the opposite side of the sink from where you found it. you walked back to the bedroom and sit next to minose. you gently lay your hand on him and started to slowly stroke his soft black and grey fur. he purred softly and slunk into your lap and draped himself across your lap. you layed down on the bed carefully and layed minose on your chest and kept petting him. eventually falling asleep. 

( minose's POV )

my ears twitched as I heard the door creak open. I saw my master duke standing there. " minose. move. " he spoke. I glared at him and stood up. " master you cant drain her blood. she is very important and if you do drain her blood something absolutely dreadful will happen " I said. I was speaking the truth. " and what might this disaster be?. " duke spoke crossing his arms. " I cannot tell you. but I can tell you is that she will prevent it from happening if you keep her alive. " I said sitting down with my tail curled around my legs. duke paused for a minute. " fine. I will humour you minose. but you better be speaking the truth. if I keep this girl here for no reason at all I will not be happy. " duke said. " im going to go out to feed. since I can't feed off of her. " duke said with a scoff. I layed back down on miss Y/N's chest and layed on top of her in case duke decided to change his mind. he is prone to doing that. " m-minose?.. " I heard miss Y/N say. " yes miss Y/N? " I asked her. " I thought I heard duke.. did something happen? " she asked tiredly. " of course not miss Y/N. please rest. " I said. she did as I told her and her eyes fluttered shut as soft breaths lightly brushed against my fur. and. the disaster that would happen? that is a long story. 

( to be continued :3 ) 

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