an unexpected visitor

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you were walking the halls of the castle that you have called your home for the last 6 months. minose had taken quite a liking to you and stuck by your side. minose slunk down the hall along with you as you walked to the library. you liked to spend your time there reading. " I wonder if we have Cirque du freak in here.. " you mumbled as you looked through the cases of books. 

( Meanwhile with duke )

duke put his cape on along with his hat. reaching over and grabbing his cane. hearing and sensing the creaking of the front door as an unknown presence entered the castle. a young human girl. he walked down the stairs. his long black cape trailing behind him as he walked. once he got to the bottom of the stairs. it began. with a quick motion the fire from his cane spread over to the torches. lighting up the hall brightly but also creepily. scaring the short brown haired girl. duke smirked at the girl's frightened expression. his red glowing eyes piercing her very being. 

The day is the wife of whom I elude The one to whom I should be right Although forwarned by peers and kin I always get into the night! she calls me she calls me she calls me. she sways in her velvet dress  " and duke began to walk up to her looking her in her eyes before disappearing. and reappearing behind her. " she sways in her velvet dress and pulls me towards her in the dark " he sang while moving behind her every time the poor girl turned to look at him. " WHILE the others rest while~ the others rest " he sang as the poor girl jumped suddenly as he popped up beside her. she ran for the door but he appeared in front of her as if out of thin air. and so the game began. 

( back to you and minose ) 

it had been about 5 minutes since you grabbed your book and sat down. minose's eyes shot open. " miss Y/N! the threat! she is here! quick we must get to master duke before it's too late " minose exclaimed. you put your book down and nodded. you went searching the castle for duke " duke!! where are you!! " you shouted down the halls. in the distance.. you heard singing. " while the others rest, while the others rest~ " you ran in the direction of the singing but it echoed throughout the castle of endless halls. you kept running throughout the halls with minose untell the singing got louder and louder untell.. you found duke dancing with a young girl who looked about your age. she stroked her hand under his chin. he smirked and picked her up. swiping a statue off a marble statue stand ( idk what those things are called ) and placing her on it. smirking at her as his hand slid up her thigh hiking her dress up to her hip. she reached up to the rope that went to the curtains with a nervous smile. as duke got further and further with his actions she got more and more panicked. finally she grabbed the rope yanking it hard causing all the curtains to open. revealing the sunlight. duke's eyes widened at her action. she grabbed his cane and smacked him with it. knocking him backwards. the sun burning his sensitive skin. you ran over and grabbed his cloak. covering his body with it. the girl dropped the cane. " minose close the curtains! " you shouted to the cat. he nodded and used his mouth to grip the rope. closing the curtains once more. duke wheezed hard in pain as steam came off his skin. " its okay duke just rest " you said softly. he nodded. " don't need to tell me twice " he coughed. you walked over and grabbed the cane. " and YOU " you growled. " get out of here and I will let you live " you growled. the girl ran out of the room. " minose go make sure she leaves. I will take care of duke " you said. minose nodded and ran after the girl. " duke are you okay? " you asked. " all I need is to.. feed and rest. " he said. his skin has third degree burns on his pale and smooth skin. you took your black velvet choker off. " Y/N what are you doing? " he asked in surprise. " im helping you that's what " you said. "I cant Y/N. you saved me from certain death. " he said. " and you gave me a place to stay! a happy life and friends " you said. "I want to help you duke. you're to weak to be able to heal yourself without any blood and you can't go out and feed in this state either. please let me do this " you said. looking into his tired and slightly pained eyes. " sorry to disappoint you doll but you won't turn into a vampire. " he joked. " shut up and stop joking you idiot " you said with a soft smile. you pulled him close. " thank you Y/N. I will never forget this " he spoke softly. with that. his fangs punctured your neck. careful not to fit anything vital. 

( cliffhanger sorta? sorry guys. i don't want this one to be to long X3 more coming right after this though! ) 

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