Judging eyes
They look
They watch
They judge the weak
But they mainly judge me
They snicker
They sneer
They talk about me as if I’m not there
I want to move on
To forget about my past
But the words they spew from the retched mouths
Will pull me back
And fell me with doubt
I can never let go of the things they say
Because they tell them to me everyday
They push me
They taunt me
And make me cry
When they tell their lies to whoever paces by
I sit here and wait for the day they will go away
To take their whispers and judging eyes
And let me be on my way
But the day will not come
For it is far away
The only way for them to go away
Is to leave this world
And never look back
To die right now
And never come back
In the deep nothingness
That they call death
Will leave me in peace
Away from their whispers
And their stares
Away fro their judging eyes
And away from their sneers.