-=[The confession]=-

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You and Fresh grabbed a cookie off a tray and you took a bit out of it. Looking to your right to see Fresh looking at you blushing.
He quickly looked away.
"Are you ok Fresh?" You ask sweetly. "Y-Yeah just surprised because of blue bro, Its tottaly rad he ships us but I never thought he woulda done that back there." Fresh said.

Suddenly you start to blush from what he said.
"Y-y-you dont m-mind that he sh-sh-ships us?!?!" You say loudly.
He then blushes hard and turns to you realizing what he just sayed.
"O-oh well I dont really mind at all" he says looking away.

"U-um  h-hey Fresh?" You say quietly.
He turns to you still slightly blushing "O-oh, umm what up broski?"
" U-um I-I-I-I... IREALLYREALLYLIKELIKEYOUFRESH!" You say and run out the room and hide in a hallway near by.

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