10- Hints?

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Matthew's POV

Gosh, I hate myself right now. I'm doing the one thing Boss told me not to do. But here I am...with Heather. I don't even like her.

I feel really bad for Victoria since she knows that I can't take breaks, but then she find me with Heather. Probably thinks I'm a hypocrite right now.

The reason why I'm with Heather is because she made a deal with me in English. I told her I really want to find a spy and she said that if I'm with her each day, she would give me a hint who the kid spy. I know, it's stupid but I want to know. And I'll do anything just to find out. That's how important this mission is.

Oops, I just realized I told something I shouldn't have, o boy Victoria is going to kill me.

But technically, I'm not taking the break. I'm slowly trying to find out. Hint- slowly.

Anyways, after school ended, Heather and I went to a private place to talk. No, we are NOT in a relationship. Ew.

We were able to get a free place in front of the school and sit at a table. Heathers says,

"So, what do you want to know?"

"Just give me something."

"Under one condition."

"What now?!"

"You need to give the answer to the question I ask, got it?"

I hesitate before I say, "Fine, but nothing too personal."

"Ok. Question, do you know any other spies than the one that I know?"

"Well I need to know the one that you know."

"Ugh, I mean working for the other side."

"Which side?"

"I know who is working for the bad side, do you know whose working for the good side."

"How do you know the spy that's for the bad?"

"It's called magic, hun."

"Please don't ever say that."

"Well? Do you know?"

"That...I can't answer."

"OMG you do know?"

Shoot. I just let that secret out. I try to find a way out and say "No, that's not..."

She interrupts saying, "I know exactly what you mean." And she walks away.

I yell, "WAIT! You didn't tell me the hint."

"You already got one." What?

I don't get it. How does she know? What's the hint? I mean, she can't be the spy because she...she...not like that. She's too...innocent and...popular. I don't know.

I just sit there, dumbstruck until I hear a noise behind me. I quickly turn around and saw no one. I look closely for a bit longer but saw nothing. I turned back around and saw Victoria walking. She had her headset on and was on her phone. Probably listening to music.

I decided to scare her since her reactions are priceless.

I sneak up behind and before I can get my hands on her shoulder, she slaps me across the face and kicks me where the sun doesn't shine. She says,

"I can still hear you, you know. Have you learned your lesson?!"

"Sorry!! But OWW! You just hit me...true friendship."


"I'm sorry!!! Lesson learned."

She puts her headphones on her neck and says, "Good. What do you want?"

"Geez, I can't talk to you without permission."

"Hmm, let me think..."

"Are you serious?"

"Does it look like it?"

"Not really."

"Well then...bye."

And with that, she puts back her headphones and takes off on her skateboard.

Victoria's POV

Right now, I'm SOO upset with Matthew. I mean, I get Heather is his new 'girlfriend' but you don't give hints!! There is something called acting!!! Gosh, so dumb. I'm beyond frustrated, you don't give secrets!!! Does he know the definition of a secret, because it doesn't look like he does.

Anyways, now that I heard their conversation, who's the spy that Heather knows? How does she know in the first place? What?

I'm also wondering, why did Matthew say 'you didn't tell me the hint'? What hint are we talking about?

YASSS! What do you think? Sorry for the short chapter. I'm trying my best to make it longer :)

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