Who's the real victim here?

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I opened the door and heard yelling coming from upstairs but I was only interested in finding my lover but then I heard screaming like someone in a horror movie and it sounded like him.

I went upstairs to find a room opened and saw him being thrown and is now in a choke hold so in my hesitation I grabbed an empty wine bottle,smashed it against a table and rushed in there and stabbed the person who was attacking him.

The guy was now on the floor twitching and Jimin got into the corner of the room and started crying as I stood next to him, covered in blood.

"Why?" I looked up at him in total confusion.

"Why did you come back here and why did you just save me?" He then buried his head in his legs and sobbed quietly.

I took this as a opportunity to tranquilize him so I got out the syringe and took off the cap.

"I'll tell you when we get home."

"What do you mean?" He then sees the tranquilizer and freaks out but I pin him to the wall as he tries to get away.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS I THOUGHT YOU HATE ME FOR BRE-!" He yells out as I inject him.

I then take a moment to get a closer look at the sleeping figure and start to blush because damn he looks so cute but then I noticed that the asshole that was twitching on the floor was still alive so I went to the kitchen,grabbed a knife, and slit his throat. I dragged the body into the yard and dug a hole and buried the mysterious man.

After that I take my sleeping beauty to the car and half way to Daegu questions were floating in my mind like...

Who was that man?

Why was he attacking Jimin?

Why did Jimin want to breakup?

Why did I kill a guy?

Was it worth it?

How long would it take for Jimin to have Stockholm syndrome and love me back?


Who's the real victim here?

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