9. Demons of the past~ Finale!

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Note: Happiee Diwali folks.

~ Love is like the wind, you can feel it even though you can't see it~

" Manik,We need to talk!", Nandini stood up, as soon as she saw Manik walking towards her, wiping her cheeks.

Manik walked closer, tilted his head to have a good look at her crying face, and then cleaned her cheeks with the back of his hand, resting his forehead over hers.

" We can talk, but without you crying too, right?", His voice was hoarse, and Nandini immediately looked up, she knew even the minute changes in his body language and voice, when he got really emotional.

She wiped her eyes, and tried to smile at him, but Manik forcefully pulled her lips into a smile using his fingers, finally making her chuckle at his antics, before melting in his arms.

Resting her head on his chest, she tilted her head to one side, so she could watch him in the eyes.

" Do you ever feel you should date someone else? I mean the girls out there die on you, for you! Do you not want to take a chance?", She asked in a muffled voice, trying hard to not cry again, but everything blurred around her when she felt his hold on her waist tightening.

" Never. I don't care about anyone else Nandini. No one else can be my love, for this life, for forever. I love you, and only you, hamesha!", He kissed her forehead, and Nandini this time, blushed, rubbing her cheeks on his t-shirt, making him laugh too.

" Nandini?", He called her, and she looked up again, but this time, astonished with the extra loving tone he had used.

" Don't deny the scholarship form? Uncle wants you to go. You want to go. Don't let me come in between your dreams! I will be with you, support you, always, maybe from far for a few years, but I will be there!", He tried convincing her, and her doe shaped eyes got filled again, as she crashed into his chest again, she didn't want to leave him.

Manik continued cajoling her, convincing her, but Nandini was adamant.

" I know you will be there for me, Manik. But who will be there for you here? I don't want you to be alone. I know you hate that!", Nandini cribbed and finally told him the real reason, after a hundred questions from him.

Manik laughed at it, though she could see the mistiness in his eyes.

" You will be there for me, even if you are physically away, I know", he kissed the top of her head, leaving no room for discussion. Nandini had to go, Manik knew he could never step in between her and her ability to excel, and he made sure of that. Nandini had to rest her case.


In the next one month that followed, Nandini was very busy with all her travel preparation and Visa and stuff, but she didn't forget to message Manik every once in a while, if they could not afford to meet that day. Manik too made efforts, and at that point they felt like this ship of their long distance relationship would just sail fine.

Finally, the D-DAY came, and Nandini sneaked out of her house to meet Manik who was waiting for her outside her house. By that time, Nandini and Manik both knew that her Appa didn't like him, more like he detested him.

She ran into his arms, as soon as she saw him, and started to sob. Manik could feel his own eyes tearing, but he kissed her hairs.

"Hey!", He cupped her cheeks, and wiped her tears, lovingly.

" I don't want to leave Manik, what if you forget me?", She whined and Manik chuckled, before resting his forehead on hers.

" Manik can forget everything, but Nandini? Never!", He kissed her eyes, and she clasped her arms tightly around his torso.

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