11. Sealing Promises~ epilogue I

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Note: hey!
Sorry for the delay.
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~ Nobody deserves to sleep at night, thinking he isn't enough~

They say when you are with someone you love, time flies. Hours seem like seconds, days run out in minutes. But Nandini had felt the burden of every minute in the past three weeks she had lived with the man she claimed to love more than anything and everything. It was always times like these when she wondered if her love was weak, or the quoted proverbs false? Did the so called 'Words of wisdom' fail to hold in them, an ounce of truth? Sobbing again, she took a deep breath to calm herself down, before finally getting up the bed.

The past three weeks had been terrible for her, and at the same time, downright content. At least, he was in front of her, at least she could make sure he wasn't hurt again to add upto his wounds, at least she was trying to medicate his bruises, even though she was apparently failing, all her efforts falling flat on her face.

The shrill ringtone of her phone, broke her trance, and she walked back to the bed, before receiving the call, lest Manik hears any of it.

"Its not working Aaryaman", Nandini huffed as she sat down on her bed, talking on phone, and Aaryaman also let out a deep exhale on the other side. He had been in contact with Nandini the entire time, and knew the hardships she was facing to bring him out of the trauma. Three damn weeks had flown by, but there wasn't an inch of progress with Manik. He was still behaving the same, silent, reserved one, smiling when needed, eating when asked, talking if talked to. She was unable to peek in his heart, it was like he didn't want to give an access to anyone ever again, not even her.

" He is still the same, rather worse. I can see the struggle he is putting up with himself, but yet, not letting me close enough", Nandini felt tears stinging her eyes, she felt so helpless in front of the man she claimed to love to bits.

" Nandini, you can't loose it. You are our hope for him Nandini, and also, you can't expect a wound eight year long to heal in just a few weeks! Give him some time, to adjust and accept!", Kabir spoke this time, from the conference call, and Nandini hummed, before disconnecting the call, and face palming herself. She didn't want to sound lost to them, didn't want them to know she was crying. She was their hope, and she didn't want it to snatch it from them!

Suddenly, His teasing face, the one she had witnessed eight years ago, roamed through her mind. Tears started to escape her eyes, as she started to sob softly. Nothing in the world mattered to her anymore, all she wanted was to bring a tinge of life back in him, but she was miserably failing, and it was stabbing her insides.

Had things gone so bad, that Nandini was unable to shine for Manik? Was that even possible?

With slow steps, she walked over to the room Manik was staying in, and found him sitting with his legs raised up, knees touching his chest, while his head rested on a mesh his crossed over hands created over them. She continued to stand at the door, staring at him, like she had been doing the three weeks he had been staying with her.

He won't talk to her too much, only answer when asked too. Accompanied her for breakfast or dinner, but it felt more of a courtesy to her. She had expected him to go back to theatre, but she knew he was searching for a corporate job only, she had seen the marked newspapers in the house. She had made him Aloo ka paratha for breakfast, his favorite, and he had eaten with a small smile. And when she made him pancakes, the ones she knew he absolutely detested, he had eaten them also, with the same small smile lingering on his face.

Nandini was starting to loose it. She could not understand what to do, how to bring him out of this. He had shut out everybody, and no matter what, she was failing to penetrate his walls.

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