12. Sealing Promises~ epilogue II

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~ The truth is, you learn something about yourself everytime someone close says a goodbye~

" Nandini! I don't know you how to make you understand this. I won't find anyone else, for me it's either you or nobody. I can't bare myself to anyone else, ever. Nobody is going to pamper me, love me, handle me the way you do. And me closing up on you? I promise I will share everything with you, no matter I am happy or sad. No matter I am laughing or crying. You are my only go to person Nandini. Do you even understand that? The day I stop sharing with you, the day I step away from you, will be the last day of me. It will mean me losing myself completely. And you-", the sudden beating of the window pane against the window, broke Nandini's trance as she jumped on her spot due to the sudden noise. She hadn't even realized how much time had gone by, with her standing near her window, oblivious of the time, her surrounding and the rising storm outside. She was so lost with what happened earlier today, that she could not help but recall her last conversation with Manik, before she left for Manhattan.

If I get on my knees, and I pleaded with you,
Not to go, but to stay in my arms!

Manik! The name that used to bring glow to her face, the name she practically lived for, the name that was the centre of her entire existence.

And why not? That guy had once showed her stars in broad daylight with his love. He didn't only say it, he actually loved her like crazy. She actually was his breaths, his peace, his soul- anything and everything somebody required to live. She was shining star, the absence of which pushed him into a dungeon, full of darkness, and it had scared and scarred him for life.

Would you walk out the door,
Like you did, once before!

A bitter chuckle escaped her dry lips, as she again recalled that conversation. It had sounded so damn romantic to her that day, it was today she was realizing that like always, he had meant each word of that monologue. The quality of his that she loved the most, of being honest and uncomplicated with his feelings, she had looked past that particular trait only that day, because while she thought he was being cheesy, he was actually baring his soul to her.

Only her.

Because as he had said, the day he stopped sharing with her, the day he stepped away from her, actually became the last day of her Manik, since this Manik, she didn't know who he was, not anymore.

This time, be different!
Please, stay!
Don't go!

With the thought, came two realization bells. First, that he had let her go under rain, something he loved the most then, something he was sacred of now. Was it because of her that he lost his fascination with her? She could not help but cry out at that. Intentionally or unintentionally, she did rob him of everything that she was complaining of now.

And secondly, it was raining cats and dogs outside, and his window pane must be open too. The thought made her sprint to his room, almost tumbling twice on the way, and when she reached, panting, she found him standing at the window, watching the storm.

If I call out your name, like a prayer,
Would you leave me, alone, with my tears?

He was so still, so frozen, with his eyes fixed outside, and his hands gripping the railings of the window so tight, it scared her. It seemed like he wasn't even in this world, like he had gone far away from her, somewhere from where he just couldn't revert back. Taking small, shivering steps, Nandini dragged herself to him, and softly called his name, not wanting him to jump at her sight.

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