Chapter Ten -- Drew

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Chapter Ten


Chloe is one of those people that I don't think I will ever be able to understand. One second she backs out of the challenge but then two minutes later she calls back with a changed mind. Sometimes I wonder where the line is between her and Crystal when some of the things they do are so similar. It's frustrating, simply put.

When I pulled into Chloe's driveway I wasn't sure if I should sit there and wait on her or if I'm suppose to go up and knock on the door. To make things even more awkward her Dad had just pulled in ahead of me. He closed his car door and turned to wave at me. I turned off the truck and got out.

"To what do we owe the visit?" he asked. There was nothing special about Mr. Lewis, his blond hair was thinning and he was starting to put on weight around the middle. But there was one thing, he had one of those smiles that made everyone relax. That smile was the only thing about him that gave away that he was related to Chloe, the only difference being that he knew how powerful it was while Chloe had yet to figure it out.

I twisted my keys around in my hands trying to think of the right answer. "Chloe and I have plans."

"Be good to my girl. She's never had a boyfriend before." He patted me on the back. I braced myself for it to be hard, a warning, but it was a gentle and friendly pat. I told myself that in the future it would always be best to deal with Mr. Lewis rather than Mrs. Lewis, who always scared me a little.

And then I realized what he said. "It's not like that, sir. We're just friends." I stumbled over my words a little. How many times would this have to be cleared up?

Mr. Lewis winked and started walking to the door. "It's okay, son, I trust you. Just don't ever do anything to hurt her, whether you're just friends or whatever." He turned back around and leaned over a little. "Of the four Chloe is the most like her mom. You have to be careful, they aren't always up front with you about things," he said dropping his voice to just above a whisper.

I nodded. "I understand, sir." I understood more the he knew. That sounded exactly like the Chloe I knew. I followed him up the walkway to the front door.

He put the key in the door but didn't turn it. Instead he looked back over his shoulder to me, standing with my hands in my pockets. "Drew?"

"Yes, Mr. Lewis?"

"I know you're a polite kid, but you can stop with the 'sir' and 'Mr. Lewis'. I'm not your math teacher anymore. I'm just your friend's dad. Call me Jackson."

I nodded my head as he opened the door. Do I follow him in or just stand here waiting for Chloe? He made the choice for me.

"Come on in. I'll get Chloe for you." Alex's younger sister jumped up from her spot on the couch and ran over to great Mr – er – Jackson with a hug.

"Daddy, you're home!" she squealed with her little arms wrapped around him.

He picked her up and spun her around. When her feet were pack on the ground he said, "Why don't you go tell Chloe that her company is here?" The little girl ran down the hallway happy to do as she was told.

"So, do you want to tell me why after she got off the phone with last night Chloe said something about thinking she was 'getting help?'" Jackson sat down on the couch and I took a seat on the opposite one. He was good at coming up with these questions out of no where.

"We sort of have this project planned." My left hand started fiddling with the clasp on my watch.

He raised an eyebrow and sat back.

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