timing is everything

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I could hear my mother calling for me to get up, but I just ignored it I couldn't move, last night had been such a blur and I just knew I would get a lecture from my mum the minute I walked out of my room.

'Neave, breakfast and painkillers are on the table, I'm off out. Make sure you are decent for when the Thompson's arrive' my mother practically screamed from downstairs, she definitely doesn't understand what a hangover consists of.

'bye' can't she just leave already. I replied but I doubt she even heard me she was out the door before I had the chance to say anything.

I lay in bed for a while trying to piece together the events of last night, all I remember was that my friends came round last night in their attempt to cheer me up from my recent break up with my long term boyfriend Josh, we watched movies and I drank away the heartbreak. it's not everyday you walk in on some girl riding your boyfriend, but there's always a first time for everything I guess.

wait my friends, did they go home last night? I got up stumbling across the hall in nothing but a baggy t-shirt and knickers, checking the spare bedrooms one by one but with no such luck I gathered that they all left last night. on my way back to my room I took a glance at myself in the large mirror on the landing and was appalled, my makeup was smudged and my chocolate hair was knotted and sticking in all sorts of directions. I honestly looked like I was on a real cocktail of drugs, time for a shower. I guess.

I grabbed a towel from my wardrobe and walked into my ensuite, stripping off is alot more difficult when you're half awake and have a pounding headache. slowly but surely I got into the scolding hot shower rinsing of the remainder of the night before.


the doorbell pounded through the large country home louder than ever, signifying that the Thompson's had arrived, we were all going out to celebrate their sons 17th birthday to a posh restaurant in London City centre. I had curled my chocolate brown hair, and put on a decent amount of make up, I was dressed in a open back red skater dress which I had paired with my new black heels. as soon as I opened the door I was greeted with the face I was dreading to see, Josh.

why was he even here, what more could he have to say for himself, I was never going to take him back, even if he got down on his knees and begged me to do so.

'What the hell are you doi--'

'Neave, I'm so sorry, I didn't want you to find out about me and Cass that way' he cut me off that little tosser just cut me off 'Please let me explain, I don't want to end this on bad terms' He is pleading with me now.

'No, I'm not listening to you go on about how you've messed up and that you're sorry because I'm sick of it, I've forgiven you for things again and again even when you kissed that chick at my 16th, I forgave you because I believed that you would change and that you wouldn't do anything again. But you did, you had sex with her, she was just an easy target for you, you never thought about how this would impact me in any way, it's over between us all because of your mistakes' shit am I crying, I didn't want to let him see that he got to me or that I cared.

' Babe please' oh no he did not just call me babe.

I can feel myself getting more and more upset and I know that I will end up having a breakdown in front of Josh if I don't get him out now.

'Josh, you should go'


' go away, run back to 'Cass' I'm sure she still wants you'

he opened his mouth to say something but he was quickly silenced by Dwain Thompson's loud voice walking up the driveway sternly telling off his youngest daughter Amelia for some reason or another.

Josh quickly turned and walked away without another word, he even ignored Dwain when he tried to say hello, good riddance. all 6 of the Thompson's were dressed to perfection, the 4 boys in suits and ties although Cole had loosened his tie, unbuttoned his 2top buttons and was wearing Nikes, typical Cole. it was his birthday after all so Dwain probably just let it go, Maria and Amelia both looked stunning in their matching lavender dresses and white ballet flats, Maria always finds a way to look perfection even if she is having a bad day.

as soon as Josh was out of sight I called to Maria and Dwain to wait in the car with the 3 youngsters while I grabbed my bag along with Coles present and card.

'Cole could you come and quickly help me with something' I called out, all I heard was quick foot steps and then my best friend standing in the door frame.

'I'm here, what do you need?' His thick Texan accent was still with him as strong as ever, I stood there for a moment just staring at him realising that this boy that I grew up with was turning 17 today and be has grown so much, his baby fat has been replaced with a bold jaw line and muscles, and he actually looks pretty hot if I'm honest.

' Neave...' he's waving at me now, I must look like such and idiot zoning out on him like that.

'yeah sorry, urm... can you tie my dress up at my neck please I can't seem to get it right'.

'sure, come here love' he proceeded to then tie the bow at my neck, the whole time I could feel his warm breath on my neck, and I wouldn't object to him making a move on me now.

(A/N. sorry I haven't posted another part to the story in ages but I've been so bust with exams ect I just haven't had the time. Please comment what you think of the story so far, and where you'd like it to head. thanks guys :) x )

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