Hold me

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Cole POV

I can't believe I just asked her that straight out, I mean I've wanted her for a while but she's been my best friend for as long as I can remember. Wait what WAS I thinking I just asked Neave to have sex with me, she's hardly going to say yes! I mean would you look at her, the way she smiles when she's reading her favourite book, how her face lights up when she laughs, she's just perfect, I don't deserve her...

I was sat on the sofa in the corner of the pad now, with my elbows rested on my knees and hands covering my face contemplating what I had done and what was going to happen now. I hadn't even noticed Neave walk in, but when I looked up she immediately looked away avoiding eye contact. What had I done?!

'Neave...'? I called for her but she just shook her head and kept staring at the floor. 'Neave, please I'm so sorry I...' I started to talk but she cut me off.

'Just... don't ok Cole'. She looked like I'd ripped her heart out, I started to walk towards her with the intention of comforting her before she could say anything further.

I was only a foot away from her now reaching out for her hand but she nudged me off 'Can we just forget about this please, I just thought that maybe you'd want to since you're looking pretty damn pissed off right now'. I was trying to appeal to what I thought she wanted.

'No Cole, I can't just forget that! You asked me to have sex with you, we had something great as friends but this is just too difficult. You've only just ended it with your girlfriend and me and Josh aren't dating anymore since... you know. We need to talk about this'. She was looking straight at me expecting a response but all I could think about was being with her, wanting her.

'Cole?', I was just staring blankly at her, not really listening. What could she want to talk about, this was embarrassing enough already. Reaching out for her neck I pulled her closer to me, this time she didn't pull away or refuse me she just simply hugged me and nuzzled her head into my neck, one of my hands was placed on the small of her back in an attempt to comfort her and the other had was still held around her neck.

Before I could process what was happening Neave started sobbing quietly into my neck and fisting at the front of my shirt in a desperate attempt to undo the buttons. What was she doing, I thought she didn't want this, she was still vulnerable from her break up and I couldn't stand to see her cry.

'Urm... Neave, what are you uh... Doing?', I wanted this so bad but I can't just take advantage of her when she's like this. I let go of her neck and loosened my grip on her back shifting my weight backwards, I could see her face clearly now it was stained with tears and her lips were puffy from where she had been biting down on them to contain herself. Was I doing this to her? 'Neave stop', she was still undoing my shirt desperately, I grabbed her hands stopping her. She looked up at me so innocently but she was broken and it was my fault, I had done this to her.

'No Cole please just let me' she spoke so quietly it was hardly audible.

'Just tell me what's wrong I can't bear to see you in this state, you're so beautiful Neave... I I'm sorry'. she had stopped crying now and had a questionable look on her face.

Neave POV

He just called me beautiful and he didn't even register it in his mind, I was staring up at him now. Did he really think I was beautiful I've never been called that, not even by Josh... yeah he'd called me hot and fit before but that was nothing compared to beautiful. The way he said it was so truthful, it had just rolled off his lips so meaningfully and now I could feel myself want him, I know he wants me I just have to make the first move and hopefully he should reciprocate.

'Cole, just shut up you idiot', my words came out as of a plea than strong like I wanted. There is no going back now.

(A/N Ohhh, cliffhanger, please don't hate me, will update soon

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