Taehyung's POV
I quickly got up from my bed and Prepared myself from going to school.
Because Jennie is here again.
And I need to gain her trust with no failure this time.
But my phone vibrated,I looked at it and it turned out to be Hani.
Hey taetae!goodmorning!Taehyung
Are you alright ?you seem pretty cold.Taehyung
Im sorry,I need to hurry .
I'll chat you later okay?
I love you.Taehyung
I know,●●●●●♡●●●●
As I walked out of my house i saw Jennie's abandoned house.
I got the spare key to look quickly her house.she might comeback
And it needs to be clear.As I checked it ,it was empty.There's no sign of Jennie.
I sighed as I made fool of myself for expecting jennie to come home.when will she comeback?
But then I remember I got a thing to work on so I walked straightly to the flower shop after locking jennie's house.
"How may I help you sir?"the Lady in her 40's asked.
"Uhm where can I get a flower?For asking forgiveness?"I asked and she smiled.
She gave me Sunflower for about 4 pieces of flower.
As I paid the flowers and the ahjumma talked."Is that for your girlfriend?"she asked and i shaked my head.
"Aniya,it's for my bestfriend who is a girl."I smiled as I looked at the flowers fully bloomed and glowing.
"Ahh that?I hope she forgives you,good luck young man."she smiled and started watering the flowers lining at the store.
"Thank you ahjumma."I bowed then left after that.
I already reached the campus gate and the car stopped again to see jennie walking out of it and the guys from yesterday followed her.
"Jennie-ah goodmorning."I said as she was walking at my direction.
She only looked at me and I grabbed her wrists.
"For you."I said as I handed her the flowers I bought for her."Thanks."she said as she take it and left.
She didn't even smile but I'm happy that she accepted it.
But someone patted my shouler and made my attention turned to it.It was the guy who was with jennie yesterday.
"Hey man."he greeted and I looked at him.
"Uhm hello?"i greeted back,
"Giving her flowers to make her yours again?do you think that will work?"he said and smirked,
"Who are you anyway?"I asked ignoring what he said earlier.
"The name is yoongi,Jennie's Soon to be boyfriend."he said.
I felt a pang on my chest when he said that,but I knew that jennie will not take him seriously because she is a ..nevermind.
"As if she will take relationship seriously,psh I knew jennie for months ,and I'm telling you .it's not worth it."I said and I saw him smirked again.
"If she was just playing with my feelings then why do I know all of her scars and past?jennie will not tell to random guys her story unless she is close or attached to it."he explained.
He does have a point there.
"What do you mean?"I started to panicked and he scratched his scalp while putting his other hand at his right pocket.
"How about we settle this down at somewhere private ?Taehyung?"he said and signaled me to follow him on his car.
How does he know my name?!
Im all confuse about this stuff,and where are we going?
"So how did the two of you met?"I asked out of confusion.
"Right after you revealed that you like her sister."he said
"How?"I asked again
Ah that misunderstanding. she thought I like hani when in the first place she is the girl that I like,I even bought bouquet for her what the hell is going on.
"I nearly bumped her with my car ,I thought I caused some trouble so I took her to the hospital to see her condition,She passed out from stress,anxiety I guess."he said.
"And you already know why right?"he added.
"Man,you already hurt her inside and here you go again trying to be close to her then hurt her feelings again."he said.
"But I liked her,Ireally do."I confessed.
"Yeah you liked her but you like her sister too?do you think she's that pathetic to cling herself to you when her sister took you from her?aish Kids today."he spat,
"Are you insulting me?"My voice suddenly became loud and he started to smirked,
"I will try to win her back again,this time I will not let go of her."i said while looking at my competitor.
And I need to stay calmbecause my rival is too strong.
Don't lose hope taehyung,you can do it."Okay,but if you hurt her again I will slit your throat out"he threat as the door of the car opened and decided to leave.
But it hurts me knowing that jennie passed out because of me.
I will try my best to gain her trust and she will be mine.Im sorry for hurting you jennie.This will only take time but I promise.
How about hani?should I tell her the truth?
Maybe she won't know it if I keep my actions to be hidden.Urgh i don't know anymore!
May Superman be with me!