Taehyung's POV
The class was over and it was break time.
I followed jennie and she just asked me if I want to join her.that's odd,does she wanna make up?
nevermind it's good to be with her so who am I to decline.Somethings linger in my head about earlier.
"Hey!you okay?"Jen asked since I was standing without doing anything.
"Uhh,yeh im okay."I said and followed her until we reach the canteen.
The same spot where she used to sit but eas replaced when Hani came into our life.
For the past months ,Jennie didn't Join us to eat instead she will excuse herself and go straightly at the rooftop.
I missed the old us.
Where there's no hani in our life.
When she used to be my Bestfriend and usually a talking machine.I remembered the first we met. She spilled the water on my polo.
And that is the most Happiest day of my life since I met her.and unlike her ,I didn't regret that.
As we are both eating ,the quiet atmosphere started to come to us but I decided to start a topic.
"Uhm jen...when will your wedding be happen?"i asked and she stared at me blankly.
"I don't know yet..Yoongi will decide since he was the one who planned all of our future..hehe."she nervously chuckled .
"I envy him.Yoongi is lucky that he will marry the Girl of my dreams."i said and she blushed at my words trying to get out of the situation.
"Ha...right. Didn't realize that."she munched her food and i received a text from hani.
We have to talk.Im at the literature classroom right now.Taehyung
I can'tHanini♡
It's really important,you need to come.Taehyung
THANKSSSS ilyTaehyung
I know.Hanini♡
You can't even say a simple "i love you."Taehyung
Why?does it needed?Hanini♡
About that...we need to talk asap!Taehyung
I'll be there in 30 mins.
Im eating.Hanini♡
With whom?Taehyung
Urgggh!why are you even with an engganged
Im eating,talk to you later.Taehyung's POV
"Uhm Jen..are you finished?"i asked and she nodded while putting a little lip balm on her lips.
I remembered the day we kissed.
It was so.mesmerizing.
I wish i can do it to her but she is already enggaged."I'll walk you to your class."i offered but she shook her head.
"No need,hani must be waiting for you.bai!"with that she left me and I proceed to the literature class where hani is now.
I walked inside the empty classroom and saw Hani sitting at a table.
"Taehyung-ah"she called as she quickly approached to hug me.
"Can you let go?"I said while struggling from the hug.
"So?....what do you want?because I'm in a hurry."I said while looking at her.
She hit the floor!
Dropt it like low low low low low.
😂okay imma stop
"Uhm..tae.I just want to say sorry about last night."she said while looking down.
That's it?
"Okay!apology accepted!I need to go now."i said in a hurry.
"Taehyung!Can you atleast lend your attention to me?"she said making me stopped on my tracks and looked at her.
"What do you mean?"I asked still dumbfounded.
"Can't you atleast give me your love?I did all of I need to do to make you forget her!is she still Better than me?she doesn't even love you back!"she said .
"I don't want to argue now okay? I still have a lot to do.Jennie loves me back.
Yes!she is better than you."i said as i fixed myself while Hani is still angry at me."So you are telling me that I'm a huge failure?telling me that Jennie is the one for you?Taehyung you are blind!you can't even see who is the one that loves you! I already told you once that I'm better than her. Im more richer,taller,smarter and talented than that Slut who is always flirting with guys."she said .
My jaws clenched at her words .My pulse started to beat faster than before due to Stress that hani was giving me.
"Don't even compare yourself to you sister! Even she have flaws ,I still love her because she is jennie.the Jennie I used to know.
You don't know the reason why jennie is being like that,don't judge her.you don't have the right to blabber shit about jennie.I can't even believe I cared for you thinking I should treat you right because of your sister. "Ilet out all of my anger that builds inside my body and can't think anymore."You know Hani. you are more bitchy than her.It turns me off."I said and left her there speechless.
I can't hold my emotions anymore .
Ughhh,I want to rest for a bit but I remembered Im late for my class.
As the last period was over ,i quickly looked for Jennie .
And there she is waiting for her fiancé.I can't even imagine she is getting married.
I approached Jennie as she turned her attention to me.
"Ohh!taehyung-ah .what are you doing here?"she asked and im still looking at her,
"About that.Just came to be with you...."i answered as she laugh at my statement.
"You are supposed to be with hani right?"she asked and i shooked at my head.
"I already end things up with her. "I said.
"What?i thought you had a talk with her earlier?"she asked.
"I don't want to be with her anymore. I don't really like her?"I scoffed and she smiled.
"Still. You need to give her a chance,I know hani for a long time now.She will do all of her best to make you hers."she chuckled.
Why convincing me?
"Jennie why are you advicing me,to get back to her?.i mean we still like each other . Don't we need to make a move?"I asked as she pulled an annoyed face.
"You really don't get it Taehyung?I don't have any feelings for you anymore. don't push yourself to me.I already said it once that if you have feelings for me....sorry because I can't give it back."she said before the car stopped infront of us and it was opened by yoongi.
"Jen.Let's go home?ohh taehyung my bro,what are you doing here?"Yoongi asked as jennie went inside the car.
"Ah,Im already going home."i said while looking at jennie but she is avoiding me.
"Okay!be careful!"Yoongi said before they left.
How am I supposed to make you mine if you don't feel the same?
To be continued.