Chapter 5

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Eliza POV

After we got our award.we decided to stay in town for a couple of days. To go sight seeing, shopping and just to relax. I'm pretty sure Natsu and Lucy and walking back from that book job, and we're probably going to bump into them because we decided to walk. (You know my motion sickness) Gray decided to go to the bathroom and I remember that's when he meets up with Natsu and Lucy, so I follow close behind. I can smell Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Grace now. Lucy screamed. Classic Lucy, am I right. I came out of a bush and Natsu and Gray are fighting. Or course. I went to talk to Lucy. She came to hug me. I'm not the hugging type person so I just half hugged her.

"How was your job?"

"Great, I got  half a million jewel! Then for the last few days we went sight seeing and stuff. Enough about me, what are you doing in the woods." I hate asking these type of questions but it has to be done.

She signed

"We went in a Job but we didn't get an reward and my rent money is going to be due."

"You can borrow from me if you want."

"I can't do that, I find a way to get the money."

Someone kidnapped Happy so we went and took care of those guys. I only got to fight one and I didn't even use magic. The rest I didn't really pay attention.

Time Skip (at the guild)

Loke learned that Lucy is a celestial wizard and ran away. 20 minutes later he comes running back in and yells

Everyone went crazy. Expect for me. I put my earbuds in because I don't really care to hear there conversation.
Later Lucy came to ask me if I want to go on the mission Gray and them are going on. Of course I say yes. I'll get to be apart of the strongest team in Fairy Tail and I'll get to do missions with them later on.

Time skip the next day
(At the train station)

"Grace can you kill me, that would be better then go on that train."

"No, but could you stop them."

What she means by them is Gray and Natsu fighting.

I nodded and went up to them and knocked there heads together. Erza finally came.

"Hi, I'm Eliza."

"Did you just knock them out."-Lucy

"Yeah, they were annoying Grace, so I made them stop fighting."

"That's impressive."

"Well thank you."

Then the train came Natsu and I paled.

"Can we just walk?" Natsu asks. Erza literally had to drag him on the the train. I sat beside Gray. When the train started moving, my head landed on his lap again.

Gray POV

When Eliza got her motion sickness, her head landed on my lap. I instally blushed.
Lucy then asked what magic Erza used after she knocked out Natsu.

"I use Requip."-Erza

"So you can summon small objects like Eliza?"-Lucy

"Eliza uses Requip?"-Erza

"Yeah, she can summon small objects but not weapons, which I think is weird . Anyways her main magic is Crystal Dragon Slayer Magic and she can use Crystal make magic."-Lucy

"She took out 25 monsters in one roar." I added

"Did she take off her sweater?" Lucy asked me


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