01: Titians

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I don't want to be hero.
I don't want to die.


The scribbling had paused as the female closed her eyes again. Bringing her fist to her nose rubbing mindlessly, struggling to complete the second half of the page with words. Attempting to recall what she has woke up to or more like deciphering it.

Snapping awake against her will with a sudden jolt, similar to free falling. Voices of multiple people she did not recognize was all she recalled. There was more, there was always more than she could grasp.

Something had started within the dream, a rumbling of some sort and it left her immobile. It was suffocating to her which made the memory of it bizarre. Unknowingly her hand clenched around the fabric covering her chest soothing the pain she felt without ever receiving an injury. Then all at once it disappeared, everything had going silent.

Eyes diverted from the page onto the phone seconds before it began to vibrate against the marble counter creating a soft buzzing noise. Y/n looked over her shoulder as the device read 'UNKNOWN CALLER'.

"Hello?" She muttered answering the sudden call just to be meet with a heavy panting sequence on the opposite side. "Hel-" "Have you've seen the news Y/n?" The voice mumbled as if the male calling was hiding from someone. Panicked that they would be find out; if he spoke louder.

"No...Why?" Y/n eyebrows furrowed as she asked, wondering to herself why in the world was he contacting her. It had been weeks since she heard of him. "He's in Detroit." A paused occurred between them before he continued. "He's alive, he's okay."

The female nodded hearing him steady himself; reaching for the mug before her. Alongside articles and stacks of pages, that preoccupied her early mornings and late evenings.

"Good." She mumbled gently as a relieved sigh left her parched lips. "Guess the little bird flew from the nest." The male on the opposite side chuckled, "And another thing...remember that girl you've been keeping tabs on, she's kinda mis-" A hiss left him before a screeched ricocheted through the device. "What?" The female questioned not hearing him well.

"She's missing...Her mother was found dead in their home. Gunshot to the head." The cup she held slipped from her grasp shattering on contact with the floor beneath her. "Y/N?"

"Harper...When?" Y/n mumbled stepping closer towards the pieces on the board mounted of her living room wall. "What?" His voice sound muffled. "When did you find this out?" She asked clearing her throat, feeling it clenched alone seconds after."Just now. Didn't you-"

"I didn't see it." She said out loud to no one in particular other than herself. Confirming this as another anomaly of her gift. Retreating from the wall, her legs gave in beneath her as her body collided with the black leather couch behind her. Learning about this was the last thing she wanted to hear, head muscles now pounding against the outer rims of the skull as she leaned her head back onto the headrest area looking up to the bare ceiling.

How did I not see this?

"Keep me updated, okay?" She softly sighed rubbing her temples."Yeah, noted. I'll call you when I know anything." He reassured, make himself aware that the news was troubling him more than wanted to admit.

"Thank you."

"Be careful, beautiful."

"I always am." She answered as her lips broke into a small smile, "Stay safe."

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