03: Origins

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And this; was how it all began.


The screen opened as her eyes widened at the open windows before her. Her finger tips itching and palms sweating at the simple thought of him.

Every one of us; wandering on this earth is made to do something in this world.

She thought.

A purpose to fulfill their time here. Some of us know, some of us wander, some of us chose to ignore it and because of our selfish choice we causing something beyond our control.

Y/N eyes caught sight of a file, his name was on it. R.J.G.

I knew it.

She mentally cheered biting her lip containing her smile. Gently double clicking the mouse a tab open. A blinking line appeared in a highlighted box asking for another one. Y/N closed her eyes annoyed at the sight of another security code. She had to unlock this to achieve what she wanted as she let her mind linger free again at the silly thoughts.

A domino effect, a chain of events that change within time or they firm themselves indenting; an impact in our lives...fate.

Inserting the usb stick, her fingers hungrily typed away bypassing yet another access code and downloaded the file. She gripped the big belly burger drink sipping it, feeling quite satisfied with herself. Praising silently the speedster than brought the heavenly delight to her.

"I always seem to find my way to you, don't I?" She muttered to herself, the only audience at the moment where the few lingering bats in the shadowy parts of the cave.

"Do you want to tell me what is going on?"

She coughed at the sudden voice that continued to ring in her ears. His voice grew stern as he asked again getting closer until he finally stepped into the light. His icy gaze set on female sitting on his European leather chair.

"Nothing. It's nothing." She cleared her throat, hoping she didn't look like a dying fish.

He's here early.

She thought.

"Right. That's why you are in my cave."

"I didn't notice." She laughed giving him a smile before unplugging the USB slowly trying to ignore his lingering eyes.

"Y/N." Bruce never said her name out loud.

"I just wanted to check if something about him would pop up."

"He's fine. He knows how to fend for himself." The lines on his face were more prominent now the years were definitely not passing in vain.

"You know where he is." She let out, he stood there motionless before she repeated herself getting irritated with the silence.

"Even if I did I wouldn't tell you."

"Just this once." She pleaded.


"No?" She stood up from her spot eyeing him. "Why? Why do you this, every damm time. You always turn away, as if he's nothing. You make it sound like he walked out on you."

"Because he did." He corrected her. "He did
Y/N. I consider him my son, you of all people should know that, but I will never force something upon him."

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